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Feeling very grateful for friends who can turn my thoughts back into something more sensible, and encourage me that I'm not alone, even with, perhaps, less seemingly important wrestles.

Nicking the words of a wise friend - "lean into the truth". Also, to obey is better than sacrifice (nicked that one from the bible)

Happy Saturday peoples

Andy B

@tymektt nice colour car - we used to have one of those. great little car and we loved it...but i didn't carry luggage the right way it seems 😂 🤣

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Watering It Down, S04E065

If you buy something in a concentrated form, they you need to add water, usually, in order to make it user friendly.

From screen wash for our cars to squashes in our kitchens and washing up liquid, we routinely buy things that need to be watered down to use. The obvious advantage is that, just like Ikea, furniture that arrives flat packed, you can transport more of the end product when it is concentrated while being transport.

I recently attended a church where I saw a massive range of work for the city they serve. But, what I didn’t see was Jesus. [READ MORE]

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

@Lindseyay briliant - this is fab!

after almost no sleep last night (not a clue why) i've even got matching socks on so i count that a win too

Andy B

@Lindseyay I used to deliver coal to power stations......and sugar beet factories - the smell always made me happy 😊

Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Turn It Off And On Again, S04E064

Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the best – when something electronic freezes, hangs or stops working, turn it off an on again is often the simplest way to help it reset and start working again.

As a family we share a digital calendar and a digital to do list. It’s a great way of us each knowing what the others are doing, and helps us to stay on top of things like shopping lists, or cleaning lists which we’re all involved in. And a digital diary helps us know where we’re each at, and reminds us who is cooking dinner every night.

However, sometimes, those lists need to be resynchronised. And, when it occasionally gets really bad, we delete the app and reinstall it. [READ MORE]

For the rest of this post, a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

@Lindseyay i can smell those trains - i love the smell of burning coal and steam trains (i'm not a steam train fan...just love the smells)

used to go LOADS to the Kidderminster Steam Railway....those smells get ingrained 😊

I've been working hard at editing my second book - yesterday and today. So I'm off for a cycle for some shopping, before coming back home and jumping at it again. I need to stretch my legs and a good hard cycle should fix that particular problem! Also, we have nothing for dinner tonight = quite the motivator!

This one I'm working on right now should, God willing, be out some time in May if things go well, or June if they don't (it's good having a goal to aim for!). I'll run some teasers with the name and cover at some point after Easter.

And, then, I can start work on the other two books I have sitting waiting to be edited, plus a second volume of the one I'm currently working on today (mostly written and awaiting time for editing), and then one on Marriage too (taken from the episodes of our podcast - Marriage Matters).

Andy B

(photo is from the other day, with jo)

: A Miracle Car, Part I

This week’s is from Andy as he recalls their first, free, miracle car, when his family most needed one!

Andy B is currently the bearded one from the Berry Bunch!

If you’ve enjoyed this week’s testimony, we’d love to share your own testimony, so why not submit it so we can publish it, and encourage others too.

The BerryBunch

@Cherishingsparrows2020 We have covered so far: UK, Ukraine, Russia, Scotland, USA, Sweden & Finland. That's a good point about Ramadan, we will look into that. Thanks. Peter & Jo

@Cherishingsparrows2020 Thank you, we are so glad our prayers have been a blessing to you - we will keep going!

Why Easter? 2022

We’ve been working on a video that looks at the question – Why Easter?

So what does Easter and what do a wooden cross, churches, people and crowds, hot cross buns, chicks, chocolate, food, bank holiday and traffic jams all have in common!

Bank Holiday Mondays happen because of Easter, an event that we know to be true, some 2,000 years ago.

That just leaves with a simple question and a simple choice…

The BerryBunch

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