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@TakeN I love that ladybird one. Its stunning!

Makes me want to watch the ladybird film, miniscule.

Such a happy little film 🙂

Another day is upon us here for the Berry Bunch.

I ordered our branded t-shirts (we had a miracle gift) on Thursday, so looking forward to those once they're ready. But, today, is our first day filming with our brand new fancy camera (another miracle gift) and extra studio lighting (another answer to prayer as I got a brand new set half price).

I've also found some really good logo stings. If you don't know what they are, I've added one here.


Andy B

Please pray for 'Mark' a nominal Christian, without Salvation experience. He is diagnosed with some stomach ailments.
Daughter, a strong believer and volunteer for a local network.

Easier said than done, but it was encouraging for me to read this.

Oh, my friend, I'm praying for you and your wife lots!

what happened after your parents said you had to leave your home?

Prayers welcome. My family and I are not feeling well. We've been hit by another round of Covid. Our first time was in November, 2020. This one is different, but also miserable.

Love this quote I came across today. Hope this blesses and encourage someone 🙏🏻

“You will see God’s hands in all areas of your life when you leave everything in God’s hands “

@Olamide two gorgeous people!

Happy birthday Didi

Andy B and family

: A Slower Answer To Prayer, Part II

This is the second part of our two part series on God’s provision. Last week our prayer was answered before we prayed it. This time it took us a little while to be ready for a miracle, and so God could hear our prayer.

Have you got a testimony we can share of God at work today?

Andy B

Morning all, from an overcast UK.

Made Jo a flask of coffee for when she gets to work. And a second flask of soup for her lunch.

I've said goodbye to Jo for another day and the washing is on the line. Dishwasher ready for emptying and then I crack on with another day of editing.

God is good.

Andy B

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DingDash is one server in the network