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@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Berrybunchfamily

They say that in the last six months it has rained only 25 days. Normally in autumn and winter in Northern Italy it rains very often and even rivers break through.

@faith20 praying for you for His favour, wisdom, courage and opportunity


Dear brother Andy,

I also think the same thing. Everything that is happening in Italy but also in other countries is a sign that some form of judgment is taking place.

Obviously these are not yet the judgments mentioned in the book of Revelation but history and humanity are going in the direction indicated by the end times prophecies. God's Word will be fully fulfilled as time passes. It has been a long time since my wife and I have been preparing to be to serve the Lord in these difficult times. God will give us strength.

God bless you.

Your brother Antonio

@faith20 my mind went straight to 'Italy is being punished for something by God'

I'm not the sort of person who usually thinks that sort of thing (hope that translates ok...)

'Lord have mercy' is also is on my heart for Italy

May He make you bold, and peaceful and a family that shines Jesus so brightly to the people you meet that they may turn to Jesus

You're ever in my heart my friend

Andy B

@faith20 my brother, I do not know what to say or pray...

But may God enable you to share His hope with the people you meet and help them see Jesus

Italy 2022

In Italy they are about to ration gas and electricity due to the war in Ukraine and are about to ration drinking water in homes due to the drought.

Italy 2022

Drought - the Po is the largest river in Italy and is a navigable river. A few years ago I also sailed it with a motor ship to accompany my students on an outdoor excursion. Now everything has become a desert.

S04E084, Andy B 2 Minute Video, Good Struggles

Life can be full of struggles. Some can be good – like the effort needed to build muscle in a gym. The struggle feels good, because we can – possibly slowly – see a positive difference to our bodies. Some struggles can be bad – like grieving a loved one when we’re not ready to say goodbye to them, or having to live with life changing injuries from an accident that was not our fault.

In her book, Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom wonderfully illustrates how things that can at first appear truly awful, can be God’s blessings - which is why her sister was praising God for the fleas that attacked them where they slept in the middle of a concentration camp during World War II. If you want to know why that was such a blessing to them, you’ll need to read the book! [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 21.06.2022

"Church should be welcoming and comfortable, but not too comfortable.

Comfy seats are great, but comfy sermons are not!"

Andy B

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S04E083, Andy B 2 Minute Video, Clear The Memory Banks

When carrying out some rather widespread and deep website building work, Nathan and I ran across a really odd problem to have! Because, every time we loaded one video, another one kept on displaying instead.

After something of a panic, since it seemed to affect every video we had been working on, I thought about clearing the cache - for our internet browser.

If you’re more computer savvy than me (not very hard) then sorry for the following explanation:

The cache is much like the memory for your internet browser. When you visit a website and see a picture, the cache remembers that image and displays it for you, to save you data and time, without bothering to go and look to see if the latest image matches what it thought was there. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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i'm having an issue with an IP address and i'm getting very confused...i vaguely understand what one is, but that's about it

you seem rather techno savvy - do you know anything about VPNs?

it appears the IP address we've currently got assigned has been reported for spam when another user had it...

@mensajero I've tried to teach a few younger people - who were leading worship - not just to copy the people they've seen on a computer leading others in worship, but to take ownership of the songs they're seeking to lead others to worship instead.

It got increasingly harder over the years to be able to impart wisdom to those younger than myself; humility has faded quickly, and the hunger to learn from those more mature in their faith has become much weaker.

Too much 'copy and paste' going on, and not enough personal relationship with Jesus...

Andy B

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 20.06.2022

Fear God, not your boss.

Your boss can give you money for a time, and some security.

God has guaranteed you security for eternity, but only if you choose it.

Andy B

@mensajero probably not 😜's a nice hope that they might though

Andy B

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