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Happy Father’s Day, 2022

It's an interesting father's Day today!

This is the first one since my father died last Autumn (2021). It struck me, suddenly, this morning, that he was no more.

He didn't want anything to do with me and my family, so we'd been estranged for over a decade. It was what it was, and I was ok with that - you can't force people to like or love you: I'm not sure how that makes me feel...

Perhaps you're reading this and have a similarly strange emotion today. Perhaps you loved your dad and he was snatched away before you were ready and breathing felt too great a burden to bear. Perhaps you've never known who your biological father is. Perhaps your father was, or is, abusive towards you, or others whom you love. Perhaps your dad no longer remembers your name, through no fault of their own. [READ MORE ON OUR WEBSITE]

Andy B

listening to a song earlier and there was a line about "you bought me my favourite flowers"

so, women of the ding, do you have a favourite flower? (men do the women in your life have a special flower)

I asked Jo, but she simply stated she couldn't tell me as she wasn't all women

answer what it is in the comments if you (or they) do

now i'm super curious!

Jo once bought me flowers....and I cried - i pointed out that is seemed wrong that only women were traditionally bought flowers, and i'd like some too...that was our first year of marriage 😊

Andy B

A friendly little chap who came over to check on the quality of my gardening the other day.
(Here, it is actually perched on the handle of the lawnmower).

The truth of who God is, and what He has done for us is the truth that will not only set us free, but will also enable us to continue in freedom, in what Paul calls "the glorious liberty of the sons of God".

Where I'm from in the UK, some people have a super strong Yorkshire accent. I saw this in a restaurant last night - believe it or not, it IS English.
10 points if you can understand it 😂

@bethany makes perfect sense to me

You should try broad black country 😂

If you are having trouble with your faith in God today, take 5 minutes to sit down and talk with Him. We often wonder where God is in our lives, but we rarely give Him time to reveal Himself.

I bet you didn't know that the Three Stooges could be used to illustrate this spiritual point.

PTL! A couple thousand eBibles hidden from secret police. They move into country RIGHT UNDER THEIR NOSE. 🙏🙏🙏

Hallelujah! The intercessor is back to business! The 24 x 7 prayer he is building up continued their intercession for the Nations, even in his absence.

Stent removed. Please continue to pray for his wife, who has hearing challenges and other ailments. Children are in High School. Especially for continuous flow of finances and a permanent place for them to stay and continue their ministry.

We’re back! Did you miss us?

We’ve spent the past couple of weeks switching to a new website look and layout. Nathan and I (And B) have spent, perhaps, around 50-60 hours – between us – making the new site come to life.

When we started our online ministry we had a handful of videos and posts but, as we grew, we become ever more a video based ministry. So, we searched for a ‘theme’ that would look better for the needs we now have, which is providing plenty of resource rich videos that are available: For Free, For All.

For more (and to see the new website) -->

@davereimer you should be able to share the YouTube video from that YouTube video (there's an option to do so)

Just copy and paste that link and DingDash does the rest

Man and woman are God's idea. Marriage is God's idea. Family is God's idea. Let's stand and fight the good fight on the side of Truth!

Website still offline while @TakeN and I rebuild it. Lovin the new look and, at last, Friday (6 days time) doesn't feel quite so close anymore

I was bothered when we had to push back the relaunch by a week - an offline website is no use to anyone! But glad we did as it bought us a little more time to work out how best to use the new features we now have at our fingertips. We've fathomed it out now ...well pretty sure we have lol

Fairly certain we should be back online by Wednesday with the new look website!

Andy B

Hebrews 10:36
"For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise".

"Lord, help me keep my eyes and ears fixed on You and not on what I see and hear coming from people and circumstances around me. I believe that Your Word is true; therefore, I am standing firm on Your promise to me. Regardless of what people say or do, I choose to follow You! Please help me to stay put and to ignore other people’s verbal accusations as I hold tightly to Your Word. I pray this in Jesus’ name!"

"I boldly declare that I will not move from the promise Jesus made to me. His Word is true, and His timing is right. Therefore, I am staying put until I see the manifestation of what I have believed. Although the devil tries to use people and circumstances to move me, I refuse to be moved from what Jesus has promised me. I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!"

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