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Praise the Lord. God is good at all times. Praise the Lord. Today first lunch in the new house. Jericho is conquered by faith; village after village, city after city, we will conquer all of Canaan and enter the Promised Land of Heaven. Praise be to God.


I'm SO thrilled you've moved. Praise God for His provision! You sound a little more relaxed!!

There's always hope that a new Prime Minister will serve their people. We will see - for your nation, and for ours.

There is always hope!

Would love to give you a hug one day. In this life or in heaven!

You're such an inspiration!!

"With God we will make it!"


As ever, your brother, Andy B

S05E002, Endurance, Coming Up, 24/07/2022, All Rounder

What's coming up in our next Endurance Podcast?

On this episode, we look at the idea of being a spiritual ‘all-rounder’.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Join us for Endurance: Sundays from 4pm!

@StevenBerry and @TakeN

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60 Second Update, Issue 20

60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos and resources - or exciting events we've got coming up.

In Case You Missed It
Endurance – I’m Fine (S05E001)
Steven and Nathan were back with a new season of Endurance – your weekly spiritual workout – now with a difference. Steven is the one to take us deeper and with Nathan’s helpful questioning, they both look at why we say “I’m Fine” when we are not, encouraging us to be honest with others, ourselves, and God.

Family Prayer Time – Psalm 1 (S02E001)
And Peter and JoJo are back with more Family Prayer Time, this time praying through the psalms and starting with Psalm 1 which tells us about what happens to the Wicked and the benefits of being righteous! [READ MORE]

The BerryBunch

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We're back - tomorrow!!

Marriage Matters – Coming Up, 23.07.2022, What’s The Big Deal?

What's coming up in our next Marriage Matters Podcast?

Andy B and Jo are back for more Marriage Matters. They said they would be back and here they are - back with more matters about marriage that matter because marriage matters, as Andy B so succinctly manages to say each week (or not)!

As usual Andy and Jo share their thoughts and personal experiences as they consider why Marriage is the way to go and seek to dispel the myths about marriage that make you think of marriage in a negative way. Andy B and Jo do their best to extol the virtues of marriage which wasn’t as difficult as it sounds as the research seems to back them up!

Andy and Jo

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 22.07.2022

It’s interesting to think of those things we absolutely need… …until they are gone, when we realise how easily we can live without them.

Andy B

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@bethany I've got some washing on (bit late today) so hoping the rain stays away to get it dry ...we get a nice breeze commonly though

"For every time you look at yourself take ten looks at the cross and ten looks at Jesus."
Robert Murray M'Cheyne

@bethany thank you kindly

we had a blast shooting those

it just got funnier and funnier the more we did, and is now a fond memory for us

and it's great being able to use them now @TakeN has finished taking what we took, even better - ahead of using them

it was also really lovely being able to use the camera we were gifted money for - for our ministry - as an actual camera for a change...a role it rarely gets to play

how's you then Bethany?

Andy B


my brother, how are you and your lovely wife?

please update me

you're rarely out of my mind. i don't always send you messages. But please know you're frequently in my prayers!

how are things for you right now? how is the drought?

we're looking ahead at a very trying year in the UK as we move forwards. i am worried what a new prime minister will do...we will see; God is still in control, but I see a rough 12 months ahead for the UK people

in January our energy bill (heating, cooking) was about £100/month

by October (just 3 months from now) the government say it might be £550/month (since price rises in March we pay £300/month)

many families here have been struggling to feed their children since prices suddenly rose in march...salaries have not gone up. people do not have the extra money to heat their homes and cook food

we are blessed with a wood burning stove. we will try and find wood to heat our home. it is going to get very difficult

your brother

Andy B

@richardafaherty @tanjaostman I sometimes think we should get an air con unit, but it'd only truly be needed for a few days a year in the UK

Behind the scenes with the BerryBunch

I’ve been hearing the same thing of late, from quite a few people. And it goes something like this:

“How are you able to produce so much? I can’t do that”.

So, let me pull the curtain back a little, to the world of the BerryBunch – in the hope that I can encourage you in your own serving of God.

But, firstly, do you have any specific questions you’d like us to answer about what we do, how we do it, or why we do it? Let us know and we’ll do our best to answer them. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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so far 4,750,000 Ukrainian refugees had fled the war zone and entered Poland.
I'm speechless.

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 20.07.2022

Don’t mistake age for wisdom. The one does not necessarily grow with the other!

Andy B

It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

@Kruselady that sounds wise

we did pop out to our nearest supermarket and enjoyed air conditioning in the car (Jo got it lovely and cold on her way home) and then we had a very slow walk around the supermarket.........which is wonderfully cool 😊

@tanjaostman we only really hit 30 degrees in the house here

But the humidity picked up yesterday evening, which made for an uncomfortable night

Very cool and breezy today though

@Kruselady air con is pretty rare over here

I think it's becoming a little more common though

We rarely need it though over here

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