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@tanjaostman pets

We stayed in a holiday cottage years ago

Absolutely no pets allowed. It was a reason we chose that particular cottage!

The place was covered in pet hair and set off my allergies and asthma

Turns out the owners had dogs..... they brought the dogs when they visited the cottage at the start and finish of each holiday let

@MaryMamuzich @Berrybunchfamily Thanks for your prayers. Yes, it is thrilling to see God at work and I trust that He will continue to do so with us and with all of you. God bless you.

@MaryMamuzich DD is awesome - we got to meet people like you! 😊

Andy B

“The devil never has had much luck with a grateful man.” - Author Unknown

Good Evening World


Just a quick note from me.

I’m having a bit of a rant, having wasted the last 30 minutes of my Sunday evening seeking to overcome this issue. But we have been beaten. Totally – by Facebook. I know, well, when to stand fight and when to simply walk away – and work around the problem. It makes me sad, but it is what it is: Facebook has been deleting music from our videos, with no recourse available for us.

Sadly, you can’t challenge the totalitarian approach of Social Media giants like Facebook: there is no complaints procedure; there is no customer service. There is just their action, which can’t be undone.

We get lots of people viewing, and enjoying, our resources on Facebook, directly. However, we will no longer be doing this. [READ MORE]

Andy B

PS I’m off for a cup of tea and some more time with my family.

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At least one person was killed and several were injured Sunday in an attack on the inauguration of a Greek Orthodox church in Syria’s Hama Governorate. 😢

There are reports of one or two deaths from the attack, and as many as 12 wounded. 😢

S02E001, What's The Big Deal? Marriage Matters

Watch the video, Listen to the Audio, Read the transcript or Download the Video.

Andy B and Jo are back for more Marriage Matters. They said they would be back and here they are - back with more matters about marriage that matter because marriage matters, as Andy B so succinctly manages to say each week (or not)!

As usual Andy and Jo share their thoughts and personal experiences as they consider why Marriage is the way to go and seek to dispel the myths about marriage that make you think of marriage in a negative way. Andy B and Jo do their best to extol the virtues of marriage which wasn’t as difficult as it sounds as the research seems to back them up! READ MORE]

Andy and Jo

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S02E002, King of Kings, Family Prayer Time

“Be honest, be truthful, be real with God.”

In the second episode of this new series, Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always - to pray as a family – and in this series by using the book of psalms. This time, Pete and Jo read some verses from Psalm 2.

This Psalm was written by King David to celebrate the coronation of Israelite Kings and ultimately the coronation of Jesus – the eternal King – King of all Kings!

So, as Jo says this Psalm is an opportunity to praise God in our prayers. There are, of course, different kinds of prayers, like thanksgiving prayers, when we thank God for things, petition prayers when we ask for things from God and praise prayers when we simply worship God because he is God – awesome, amazing and beyond description.

Join Peter and JoJo in celebrating God our King because:

‘What joy for all who take refuge in him!’

Peter and Jo Jo

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@faith20 @Berrybunchfamily sorry,... But I'm butting in on your conversation ☺️
I'm over the moon happy things are going better for you and your wife!! You are in my prayers and on my mind so much!!
I'm sorry you still have drought...and such hot weather but so thankful for your new home.
I've been praying you can return to teaching and things will return somewhat normal. What a blessing to see God moving in your life; watching prayers being answered is so thrilling!!

Here in Kansas we soon vote to decide between stopping 3rd term abortions and continuing to allow them! My heart breaks as I pass many Campaign signs advocating the slaughter of unborn Human Beings! Especially troubling is homes with children and the pro-abortion message! Abortion is analogous to the Cat covering up its excrement! It is sacrificing a child to the God of Self! The prominent God of this culture! Having seen what God did to judge Israel for turning to the Canaanite gods and sacrifice their Babies to those God’s. America has sacrifices over 60 million Babies to Self! I fear the judgement meeted out to America Will be much worse than that meeted out to Israel!’ We deserve destruction!

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