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Family cycle to the sea on my birthday ☺️

And first family cycle for over a year, due to a God incident and miracle which enabled us to buy bikes for the older two lads - we sold their bikes last summer, as they'd outgrown them but were never able to replace them

That all changed last weekend.

God is good. Time for steak and chips - while watching Sing 2 😁

Andy B

@bethany thanks, Bethany

So far, great!!

Just finished watching "Sing" (one of my favourite films - for ages) and we've got "Sing 3" next, which we haven't seen yet...

Another day, another birthday.

Usually presents are put on a table in the lounge before you get up, here in the BerryBunch household, This time it was put together before I went to bed.....which means I've woken up excited to get back downstairs to open them 😊

And why does 45 sound like I should start being all mature and adult like?!? Why start now!!

Andy B

S02E002, Marriage Matters – Coming Up, 30.07.2022, Marriage For The Maker

What's coming up in our next Marriage Matters Podcast?
In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo challenge us to consider how our marriages measure up to God’s standard. Andy and Jo remind us that marriage is God’s design, noting that God created one man and one woman and said they should go forth and multiply and that the two become one flesh which is spelt out in Genesis.

Join us for Marriage Matters: Saturdays from 4pm

Andy and Jo


Ooh, do I have some exciting news!!
Can't share it for quite a while yet.........but, it'll be worth waiting for 🙂

Until then I'll just have to leave you in suspense and will say no more..........

Andy B

Just had this message having met with the senior pastor of the church i worked for, for a year, while on a gap year in 1995-1996

this was his comment, just now, on made me cry!

Andy B

"Andy, wonderful to meet up today. Hard to imagine it’s been 25years, we were blessed having you ministering with us at the church working in the schools helping with the youth. Now ministering with your family in this unique way. Praying for you all as you continue serving Him and thank you for spending time with me today, blessings Colin"

So the time has come... enough of those shurikens, time to be a propper Ding Dash Ninja.🙅‍♂️
@sinbach @bethany @Olamide @MaryMamuzich @Kruselady @tanjaostman @Berrybunchfamily

Hey @Will , you should catch up 🔥🥰🤩

: Another miracle house move

Moving house is expensive. REALLY expensive. Due to the joys of the housing market in the UK, a job market which can be quite unsettling, we’ve become far too expert at moving house. But, God has us covered for all that He asks us to do.

Another miracle house move
When we moved to our current home, we couldn’t afford it. Like, at all! God, however, doesn’t worry about His level of resources, especially for those who are His children!

We’d been trying to move for a while, knowing that we needed an area of the country where we could find cheaper housing and a better job for Jo. Living in the south of England is expensive!

When it came to it, Jo was actually head hunted for her current role. Her tremendous expertise, over 2 decades, in the field of Domestic Violence, was – I am sure – part of what drove her new employers to seek her out. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 26.07.2022

Don’t let your past pain become your future perspective. Forgiveness helps us let go of the past, but it also helps us embrace the future.

Andy B

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@sinbach that's one determined little baby

The double stack of stair gates is pretty impressive too

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