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@sinbach I can't find DingDash as an app on Google play store...

Andy B

@Kruselady Thankyou kindly

It's certainly shaping up for some good stuff 🙂

And I'm going ahie face shining 😊

How are you? How is life for you at the moment?

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily the Lord bless your family this year and may His face shine upon you

Hey up Dingdashers

How's the no man's land time zone for y'all?

You know - that period between Christmas and New, what day is it?!?

Merry Christmas to one and all where ever you are in the world.

Exciting times - just creating a 2023 folder for our photos 😊

Andy B

Back from my first cycle for a while

I had to wait for a replacement inner tube, then we had bad ice, then I had a cold, then it was a Christmas

But I wasn't half as bad as I thought I might have been, which is encouraging!

Andy B

By the way people, we're on air on Christmas day, 8am til 10 am (UK) (sandwiched between the lovely John Clayton and the effervescent Gareth Cottrell)

We're then back for the Breakfast Show for a couple of weeks (from Tuesday).

Merry Christmas and if you want some company, tune into Konnect Radio where we have a truly epic team of fantastic presenters and even better music.

Andy B

@bethany @sinbach well this one is a tad weird

wine bottle tree seems logical to me

but a cat tree? seems implausible - wouldn't they be trying to pull it down?!? 😂

@sinbach is there some deep theological point being made by the bottle at the top being different from the other bottles?!? 😂

I love this tree!

A small, delicate, colourful flower hides among dark, gnarly green leaves. When a black van parked behind the fence, an otherwise uninteresting composition became quite dramatic. The vehicle darkened the background, accentuating the gloomy atmosphere, which was ideal.
Little editing was required to achieve the dark, ethereally sombre aura.

We're getting snow at last. Looks like a black and white picture, but it's not. It's just the weather and the landscape.

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