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@davereimer thanks Dave. We were here in November 2021. Only this time wasn't half as bad!

I just need to wait for the results of the 72 hr heart monitoring I had 2 weeks ago, and we can find out what the next steps might be...

@TakeN didn't look that good when I looked son, you have your father's awesomeness 😂

Are you sceptical, or unsure, about the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit being real?

We have a friend. She reminded me she is 4,500 miles away, and she was woken up by God to pray for my family, and my heart in particular.

I messaged her asking for prayer as I went to hospital today - knowing she'd be fast asleep, but also knowing I needed to tell her.

The time for her - when my message arrived - was 2.46am.......when she'd already been praying for 2 hours for my heart and my family, with no idea at that point that Jo was taking me to hospital because of my heart.

There comes a point when the idea of coincidence simply doesn't provide enough of an answer!

Andy B

PS Thank you @MaryMamuzich for listening to those prompts to pray!

Discharged - there's nothing they can give me I'm not already on.

Just have to now await contact from consultant...

Andy B

Update is that I'm.not in a fib right now...

At this point my pulse is like a train, the doctor said - solid and perfect like my ECG is showing...but he also doesn't think I got it wrong as every symptom I described is exactly what it thought it was

He's gonna contact my cardiology consultant to get advice as to what should happen next

Andy B

Jo had to bring me to hospital this morning - Prayers appreciated

My heart is now confirmed as not beating correctly

My blood preasure, oxygen levels and temperate all good. Pulse is ok, but a little higher than usual

Just my heart again. I've had two previous incidents of atrial fibrillation

Now waiting for a doctor

@faith20 thanks my brother. I'm still not getting notifications from DingDash - apologies for the delay, but unless I actually come on to DingDash I don't know

Yes, we were full of joy - this was taken because we were covering the breakfast show for a couple of weeks, and one of those shows fell on my oldest son's birthday - 19 years old!!!

How are you and your lovely wife?

Andy B

Well, the time has finally come - we've got an official launch date for our new website, 1st February!!!

Find out more about what you can expect!

Andy B

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@TakeN awesome...that'd be "very cold grass waving calmly in a REALLY cold breeze" today 🤣

how are my fellow DingDashers doing today?

with all the work to our new website (launching 1st Feb) i've been pretty flat out with that since the start of December

so, how's y'all doing?

Andy B

(that's me, Jo and our oldest - Steven and the most recent photo I have with me in it)

Planting seeds

2 months ago I had the privilege of working in India with one of my closest friends. We reached just over 6000 girls/young women with the gospel and the Dignity Project. Thinking about these precious women today and praying a mighty harvest will come from the seeds sown.


YouTube = free [video]
Vimeo= free [video] with limits, or you can pay

Podcasts (we use BuzzSprout, but many available, and some are free eg BuzzSprout let you upload so much for free, but it gets deleted after so long)

Facebook = free
Instagram = free

A few ideas to get you started

A Website is an option, but best to let a proper service provider to handle playing the audio for visitors - if you upload audio to your website you're then reliant on bandwidth from the web company, and they're frequently very stingy

Andy B

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DingDash is one server in the network