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Pray for the Christians in Canada who are having their churches terrorized and burnt to the ground. Fourty seven and counting now.

Sisters and Brothers, I'd like to bless you with a song about christian martyrs. Composed by good friends from "Fisheclectic" band. Those folks are closely related to the team that made the first Polish edition of "The Heavenly Man". So...
This Sunday please consider Hebrews 13,3.

Love you guys: @sinbach @bethany @MaryMamuzich @Berrybunchfamily @Olamide @elasiewniak @dragonski

I wanted to pray more effectively, and more specifically, for the persecuted church. And Nigeria has been on my mind for a while now.

I highly recommend @sinbach 's podcast with @Olamide -

It is a really helpful call to action!

And next week in Prayer 2:62 we're gonna have a focus on praying for Nigeria, so I asked Olly D for a video clip we could use, and he sent me the video I've used here.

If nothing else, Olly makes it super simple what, why and how to pray and that's a priceless gift in, and of, itself!

Andy B

Thanks @sinbach and the wonderful creators of DingDash.

Through it I've made a new friend who I text and video chat out regularly, who I wouldn't have otherwise had the chance to meet.

We're 6,000 miles away from each other, and we're scarily similar - but it's been a real blessing.

Andy B

People of God in your prayers, please do remember the Christians in Northern Nigeria: Pray against the very evil spirit of radical Islam..pray for the Nigerian Government to act to stop the killings and abductions...pray that the International Community would work to stop it!
Pray for the protection of Christians in Nigeria.. pray for those who are suffering. Thank you!

Peter's Prayer Vlog, S1, E7

Join Peter as he takes a brief moment every day to share his own journey of prayer.

His desire is to encourage you in your prayers and your praying, and no matter what:


Today while driving we noticed a man who was in need of help! He had a 2 inch gash made by sheet metal right beside his eye! It is a miracle it did not slice his eye and render him blind! So we rushed him to emergency! His friend who came along asked us why we would help like this? And why would we not accept money for the drive? It’s was so wonderful to give him the answer! We are Christians and we cared about his friend when we saw he was cut and hurting! And we told him more! About how God cares about them! And it was His design and timing that we were there at the exact moment they needed help!

It was such a blessing! Please pray for him and his friend, that what they heard today will bless them! That God can reach down even more and bring them new life! Amen!

There are unmistakable characteristics that define some nationalties, such as language etc. I strive each day that my character and conduct are unmistakably recognisable of a Citizen of Heaven, in waiting.

The Lord is good to all,
And His mercies are over all His works.
All Your works shall give thanks to You, O Lord,
And Your godly ones shall bless You.
They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom
And talk of Your power;
To make known to the sons of men Your mighty acts
And the glory of the majesty of Your kingdom.
— Psalm 145:9-12

Andy B 2 minute Video Vlog, Planning, Preparation and Puzzles, S3, E17

We get reminders to renew our house insurance, our car insurance, our breakdown cover and host of other things.

But do we put as much effort into ensuring our car doesn’t suddenly become illegal to drive on the road, or let our house insurance run out ; if we’re renting in the UK this is something we can’t, not, have.

Andy B

For the rest of this post, and a full transcript visit our website -

Andy B 2 minute Video Vlog, Reading, Trembling and God, S3, E16

Andy B was having a little quiet time with God, and was reading Isaiah 66.

In the second verse of this scripture, God tells us the sort of people He is looking to.

Andy B

For the rest of this post, and a full transcript of Andy B’s , visit our website -

Peter's Prayer Vlog, S1, E6

Join Peter as he takes a brief moment every day to share his own journey of prayer.

His desire is to encourage you in your prayers and your praying, and no matter what:


Dave the Dog story involves quail, but we didn't actually know what one looked like; I've eaten one (well several), but that was served on a plate with it's friends - post oven!

such a cute bird , and an awesome quiff; no morning hair problems with that thing sticking out the top of it's head!

Morning. Getting ready for some filming - another Dave the Dog story :-)

Happy Wednesday

Andy B 2 minute Video Vlog, Whiteboards, Erasers and Faith, S3, E15

As Christians - when we pray - are we praying to a loving, Father God who desires us to spend time with Him?

Or do we prefer to pray using a non-permanent pen, just in case we got our prayer wrong and don’t want to look foolish.

When we’re praying, as David Wilkerson wonderful pointed out and illustrated in his book “The Cross and The Switchblade” when we pray we should pray out loud so others can hear us.

To me, that is the difference between writing with permanent and non-permanent pen; praying so others can hear might make us look foolish if ‘it doesn’t work out’. But it also demonstrates that we’re serious about what we’re speaking to God about.

Andy B

Visit our Website –

Peter's, Daily Prayer Vlog, S1, E4

Join Peter as he takes a brief moment every day to share his own journey of prayer.

His desire is to encourage you in your prayers and your praying, and no matter what:


Visit our Website -

Spurgeon started a college for young men who were eager to preach but of a lower class than those who were generally accepted into the seminary schools of the day. Spurgeon started the school in cooperation with a man who disagreed with him doctrinally on several points.

I think that this fact is fascinating.

It seems to me that Spurgeon’s success is not attributed to his precise intellectual theology or Biblical interpretation, but to practical theology and humility. Spurgeon spoke to the average person in a language that they understood. Spurgeon sought to reach his audience instead of pleasing the religious elites and establishment. Spurgeon served humbly as a pastor and the people responded with gratitude.

Nothing really changes. Jesus said, “the least shall be the greatest and the greatest shall be the servant of all.”

Ministry = serving others

This is who we are! This is what we do! We are the BerryBunch!

We have posts you can read, videos you can download, stream and share in your home or church and beyond

Including Nursery Rhyme Videos, with easy to follow actions; Art Videos to let your inner child out; Andy B 2 Minute Videos to make you stop and think; Endurance Episodes to challenge you in your Spiritual and Physical journey and exercise; our own weekly, online, Baby and Toddler Group with Song Time, Art Time and Story Time; Christmas Specials (Christingles and Christmas Art Videos); a Light Party and so much more.

And of course Story Time with Dave the Dog...helping...well, sometimes!

And if you're enjoying or using our resources - or anything else we do - you could easily support us on our Patreon page, or just Buy Us A Coffee (or tea!) If not, just enjoy anyway - we will!

The BerryBunch

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