That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Matthew 6 v 25
Andy B
#abriefpause #justsaying #justathought #p4t #wordsofwisdom #pauseforthought #dailymotivation #berrybunchfamilyfive
I honestly don't know if it's a good or bad idea to join NATO when you have a long border to Russia. It's very provocative from the Russian point of view. The biggest problem for Finland is and has always been Russia - that's sad, because it's a well functioning, western, democratic country that's been set as an example and ranked the best country in the world in several rankings. I don't blame ordinary Russians, but the Russian power, that has ruled, threatened and killed my forefathers throughout history. That made my parents' generation fatherless - by physical or emotional death. We haven't totally recovered yet.
Andy B 2 Minute Video, Getting Past The Gag Reflex, S04E071
Feelings come and go. They can be like the changing of the winds at the seaside and, if we let them, they’ll blow us round in circles. Feelings are a great way of measuring our emotions. They act as a thermometer for our body. But, feelings can lie too!
I’ve used this illustration many times, but it is so true: you can eat a pudding, following a huge meal, but then feel ill because you ate too much. And yet, you felt like you had the room to eat it before you began. What happened? You trusted your feelings, and got it wrong because feelings change. [READ MORE]
Andy B
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 12.05.2022
“We never know what the seeds we plant will do. All we can do is sow as best we can – wherever we believe the Lord is calling us to sow!!”
Andy B
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 11.05.2021
“Never Give Up, Never Surrender (Galaxy Quest) or 2 Corinthians 4:16-18”
Andy B
Beijing in STRICT lock down AGAIN 😓
Our newest and best music video ever! The KGB (Karl Gessler Band) is growing into it's own. I LOVE it.
Only He Can Rescue Us!
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.” …O Lord, the hope of Israel, all who forsake you shall be put to shame; those who turn away from you shall be written in the earth, for they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living water. Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.”
Jeremiah 17:9-10, 13-14 ESV
Endurance, Know Thyself, S04E009
This week we are discussing the idea of knowing our own strengths, weaknesses, and temptations in order to better develop in our physical fitness and in the faith.
Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!
Andy B delves deeper into this week’s theme from the angle of knowing who we are in Christ, i.e., knowing that we are free from our sins.
He unpacks Psalm 139:23 by pointing out that being a Christian not only involves God encouraging us but also involves God cleaning out all the sin in our lives.
Steven and Nathan discuss this week’s theme, “Know Thyself”. They provide three useful challenges for us to #GoDo.
- Know your strengths
- Know your weaknesses
- Know your temptations
Steven and Nathan
For the rest of this post, or to read a transcript -->
Family Prayer Time, Dress, S01E011
Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always – to pray as a family. And they continue their series on using objects to help us stay focused in prayer. This week, JoJo & Peter continue to inspire us into praying for different countries, nations, or places in the world by using, this time, the traditional dress or clothing associated with a particular country.
Peter and JoJo encourage us to use souvenirs or items or photographs of a dress or item of clothing, which are synonymous with a country to remind us of that country for which we want to pray.
With a photograph of Clogs in front of them Peter and JoJo pray for the Netherlands.
We can’t help thinking of the nursery rhyme about a mouse with clogs on, well I declare – going clip-clippety-clop on the stair!
The BerryBunch
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch