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In case you missed it 🙂 I sit down with @bethany from @Backtojerusalem to talk about faith, life, vision, politics, China, Brother Yun and SO much more

This afternoon from 4pm (UK) I'll be chatting with Back to Jerusalem's very own @bethany about DingDash, Back to Jerusalem and more.

We'll upload the video to our Pure247Radio Youtube and Podcast channels later today.

Listen Online, via Smart Speaker or on our free to download App (Google or Apple)

Andy B

@Backtojerusalem @sinbach

looking forward to be9ing here next weekend -

and our first festival as and i'm delighted we've been invited as guests of the Headline Sponsor - Barnabas Aid

afternoon Dingdashers

our move went well and we're nearly finished making this house a full on BerryBunch home!

a few photos from our first couple of weeks

so happy to be back n my radio show today 😊

Andy B

The Get You Home Show - the show that, well, gets you home no matter the time on your clock! And only on

after 5 very challenging weeks, including a house move, our studio is back up and running and our full line up of Live shows start back from this Sunday, at 3pm - with Family Focus

How are you doing? Husband?
Praying for you 🙏
Let Joy of the Lord be your strength.

I do love the interviews I get to conduct each week on my drivetime show - usually 3 every week 🙂 and always available same day on our YouTube and Podcast channl so you can hear, and see, my lovely guests

today, why caffeine is such a good thing (with Dr Richard Scott GP)
tomorrow, i get to chat with Mark Mitchell (something to do with cars and Chester 😉 )

and Thursday will be my regular conversation with Anne Laure Jackson (about sensory health)
and next week we've got another Andy B meets... with Tim Jupp (formerly of Delirious and now a little involved with Big Church Festival!) plus my regular chats with Richard and Anne

Did I mention I love my job?!?

Did you know we've now published more than 100 interviews for your education; your enjoyment; your edification; your entertainment?

only on

Would value some urgent prayers

The car we were supplied by some Christian folk (when ours died) is still unusable as the UK tax people gave us advice to import it that they also state is we're now waiting for a manager to sort it out as we are not able to officially import the car at this time...which has already been brought into the UK!

And we've just been served with an eviction notice by our landlady

We don't know where to look to live and don't have a deposit or moving money (about £1,500 for us for both of those things)

And we have to be out by 4th June

Which leaves in all sorts of trouble and we're already very busy with our radio station growing well with God made miracle doors opening for us there repeatedly.

But we need a home that can facilitate the radio station, since we run it from our home.

car broke down...God provided a replacement before we'd started praying for one

brougth that back last weekend - now we need to sort importing/registering for use in the UK

meanwhile we've got 4 festivals/gatherings this year to attend as

So far we can announce that Barnabas Aid invited us to attend alongside them at the Big Church Festival (UK)

we'll let you know about others as we can

but if you want to keep in touch with what the BerryBunch are doing with Pure247Radio why not sign up to our newsletter for some uplifting content:

Tell us what you need to begin today - something that needs starting, beginning, commencing... – The Pure Choice : Everyone’s cup of tea, even if yours is coffee.

If you have any rose-tinted memories of 1994, just remember that 2024 will be somebody’s 1994. Be present and make the world seem a little better than it might actually be to those around you.

SOS! One of our daughters living in a Tibetan Buddhist dominated area, is quite sick. For her healing, protection and for her studies.
Demonic activities, attacks are common.
High level of witchcraft, black magic, occultic practices and sacrifices are common
Few times she was admitted in the hospital recently.
@Olamide @MaryMamuzich (please tag our friends, who are in the direct message chat).

“His call we obey,
Like Abram of old,
Not knowing our way;
But Faith makes us bold:
For, though we are strangers,
We have a good Guide,
And trust, in all dangers,
‘The Lord will provide.’”

Hey up ding dashers - how's things for you today?

We've just celebrated 6 months since launching the radio station that God laid on our heart last February.

He has equipped, and supported us at every turn. It has been the impossible made possible and I'm daily.overwhelmed by the ooportiGkd puts our way; the door He opens; the people we've met...

Here's to the next 6 months.

Andy B

S06E008, Get It Sorted, Andy B 2 Minute Video

I wonder what level of expertise you have in procrastination? I’m pretty sure there must be world records for things like that. But, what if we could spin that positively? And ask what level of expertise you have in keeping going?

Putting something off can make sense. But, it can also let that ‘thing’ grow into a much bigger project.

If you don’t dust regularly you’re actually creating work later. Dust on windows gets damp, and damp dust becomes mould. So spending time dusting every day, or every week, will save you dividends in time later. Let alone the health benefits it will provide...[READ MORE]...

S06E009, Garbage In, Garbage Out, Andy B 2 Minute Video

Have you ever heard the phrase, Garbage In, Garbage Out? Simply put, we could also say you are what you eat. And the same thing applies to what we listen to, or read, or watch.

50 years ago, you’d have struggled really hard to see indecent images. It’s something you’d have literally had to work hard to seek out – and, you shouldn’t’ have been doing that by the way and shouldn’t ever do so! Just sayin...

However, today, seeking to ‘not’ see indecent images is actually bordering on the impossible...[READ MORE...

S06E008, Get It Sorted, Andy B 2 Minute Video

I wonder what level of expertise you have in procrastination? I’m pretty sure there must be world records for things like that. But, what if we could spin that positively? And ask what level of expertise you have in keeping going?

Putting something off can make sense. But, it can also let that ‘thing’ grow into a much bigger project...[READ MORE]...

S06E007, Give It All You've Got, Andy B 2 Minute Video

Rushing is a part of life. We might want an-always-relaxed life. But we will miss that bus; get on the wrong train; forget that anniversary; fail to attend a scheduled medical procedure.

That is just life! None of us are good enough to never face the stress of life!

But if everyday is filled with rushing around, then there is something really wrong in our approach to living...[READ MORE]...

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