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Happy Sunday everyone.
I captured this bold, colourful sunrise one chilly November morning last year.

@Berrybunchfamily @StevenBerry, I'm sorry I didn't know you had had heart surgery. May you have a speedy recovery!

@Berrybunchfamily, yes! I remember seeing the happy picture of you all together in your home. That is when I realized maybe someday they would make their way to the U.S. and from that we invited them to let us know if they ever did have plans to come.
Truly, the wider family of God is beautiful!

Blessings to you, BerryBunch. If you're ever in the eastern U.S., please come visit! ☺️

Friends here in DD, I haven't posted here in a while, but have to give praise to our Jesus and thanks to Eugene and the team who created DD!
We have made friendships--- though only online up till last week--- that are large and kingdom oriented, and last week, our family was so incredibly blessed to get to meet and host the delightful DD personality, Tanja Ostman and her beautiful family! The Spirit of God is so precious, so rich is He in His love, fellowship and union! We felt we had known them for years and had only last week met in person. Such a gift!

Photo with @StevenBerry taken yesterday

Much more tired today. But the heart surgery went well with zero complications. Out same day, Praise God.

Today I'm weak, but still pain free and walking is more normal now - will try for another short walk today when the temperature drops a bit.

But I did have heart surgery 52 hrs ago, so not too bad considering.

God is good!!

had to be postponed last I'm due back next week to try agin

Heart surgery day...God is good and, despite being fairly peaceful about today, I still didn't sleep much at all.

But I am up and about and leave for hospital soon.

Prayers for a smooth procedure most welcome.

Andy B

Got heart surgery at 0730 today (9th July, UK)

Grateful for prayers for a smooth procedure - it's an ablation, so they go in via a vein in my leg to burn a specific part of the inside of the heart in order to prevent the severe palpitations I've had since the start of 2023

Will be off work for two weeks while I recover


Andy B

Last video from the gathering for now. What a weekend. And what a video! @TakeN outdid himself!

my interview with Eugene Bach goes out on my drivetime show in about 10 minutes 😁 - that's 4pm UK time

The Gathering 2024

you can see our set up in the one photo - we managed all 9 hours of regular Live radio on Friday, and an extra 9 hours on the Saturday with something like 20-30 people I was honoured to speak with

we also celebrated Christmas on the Saturday with snow falling in hte big tent, in June....we joined in by switching our tunes and jingles to our christmas selection from 8 til 9pm

my good mate - Steve Legg - who battled cancer, was given a few months to live and attended last year and this year at The Gathering. he's living his best life! That'll be the chapin the colourful shirt

The Gathering is like nothing i've ever known before. 2,000 guys, in a field near Swindon and the one recurring comment? blokes loving a pint, in a field, in the sun, worshipping God

and 120 men gave their lives to God, or recommited their lives


evern seen a double encore for more worship? yep. Graham Kendrick gave the blokes one more song to finish, after the event had run WAY over time

the cheer for each choice was so great he said they'd do both

man. the noise and joy and excitement of 2,000 men wanting to sing, at the top of their lungs, to the God the love

wow. just wow if you can come, and I did meet one chap who was from Colorado...

Fancy listening to an interview with the one and only Eugene Back @sinbach of @Backtojerusalem ?

then you only have to wait until tomorrow (26th June 2024) - from 4pm - on my drivetime show and, if you miss it (or your time zone doesn't make it work well for you) it'll be published on our radio YouTube and Podcast channels later the same day

this one should be good fun!

links for all those can be found on our radio website -

Andy B

Hello, My DD family!!
I'm still on the planet! just busy and out of contact...with almost everyone.
along with caring for my husband i was hacked and had my ID stolen. i lost a bunch of money but 4 months later i had a miracle and received half my money back. God is good.
My husband is doing quite well. he is on several vitamin and an antidepressant meds which has helped a lot.
i keep you all in my prayers.

as a follow on from chatting with @bethany from @Backtojerusalem i'll be chatting with @sinbach soon too

should be fun...😊

Andy B

My interview with Bethany? In case you missed it, you can watch it here -

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