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I love my Ding Dash Family! Thank you for all your love and support during our family’s time of loss! What a blessing this platform is! Thank you @sinbach @bethany who am I missing to thank?

Prayer request!
Hi DD Family!
Sooooo... could you remember my publishing house in your prayers? Things are good, moving forward... BUT, I do see some resistance while preparing the most influential publications that have a high potential to reach Polish non-believers.
Part of my mission is to bring the gospel to the people of Poland - ignite the love towards the Logos, the Word of God - prepare missionaries to fulfill the great commission.
So please pray for strength to overcome any resistance in this line of business.

July Checklist-
1. Audio Bibles - missing
2. MP3 Bible software- computer crashed.
3. 1 year Bible reading plan- not copied
4. Bridge technologies- Ready 100%
5. Intercessors- Identified, 50% active
6. Vehicles- 3 has valid documents, 1 need major repairs or replacement, 3 documents expired, smaller vehicles only 1 has valid documents.
# Pray whenever you remember.
is Ready!

Heavenly Father,
Today we stand against pedophilia. In Jesus' name we uproot it, tear it down, destroy and demolish it (Jer. 1:10). An industry existing because of a love of luxury (Rev. 18:11-14;3:17; Eze. 16:48,49), control and evil power. Please turn the hearts of fathers back to their children, and prevent parents from passing their children through the fire. Thank You for the angels standing in Your presence (Mt. 18:10). Please destroy the global factory and continue to silence the Adversary (Ps. 8:2). Lord You will account for spilt blood (Gen.9:5,6). Cast a net to capture the perpetrators today -may they not escape by suicide, short prison terms, murder, technicalities, or justice system failures. May the fear of God come on perpetrators and victims (Pro. 8:13). Save souls, deliver, heal and transform. Bring them to Your eternal purposes. Strengthen Your strategically positioned ministers. May they dwell in Your presence. In Jesus name we ask. Amen

Our NEWEST BTJ Children's book coming soon!
You are the first to see it on DingDash!

: 1 Year ago this day we posted "Does this meme and statement from a pastor help the situation?" For those "woke " that post things like this, what a shame after seeing everything this last year

The appointment went well today. Although the original medical center diagnosed a teratoma, they want to carefully rule out neuroblastoma before confirming that diagnosis. Today they took a urine sample and more bloodwork. They plan to call early next week with results and the next steps. They said if it is a teratoma the plan would be to surgically removed it and that should be the end of it. They would expect the incision to be fairly large due to the size of the tumor and the hospital stay around 3-5 days. Thanks so much for your continued prayers. They are making a difference!

Dear brethren can you please pray for me . I have injured my knee badly in the last two days and finding it nearly impossible to walk on. The pain comes and goes in very sharp bursts which take my breath away. I am hoping to seek help from my doctor's surgery tomorrow morning.

to anyone who is willing:
I'm so worldly again and most of the time I don't even see it. Please keep me in prayer that I might turn away from worlds vain attractions daily.

I want to be nearer to Christ. Nearer, still nearer...

@Hinerodney praise God- He never gives up on us.
Jesus walked through the valley with you and created a new man with a new heart to serve so many. God bless your family for standing strong and seeing the goodness in you.

We need the Spirit of God and the Word of God at this event. Everything else is optional if it meets Your will. Raise up people of faith who are disciples at heart (Isa. 50:4,5). Only permit the obedient to teach the obedient. We thank You Lord for this timely refreshing. In Jesus' name we ask Amen.

July Discipleship events:
Please Pray for
1. Printing of study materials
2. Transportation of resource people and materials.
3. Travel restrictions to be removed.

Burkina Faso: Children Ages 12-14 Responsible for Massacre of over 130 People
#breitbart June 26, 2021

Child soldiers “between the ages of 12 and 14” perpetrated a massacre in Burkina Faso this month that killed over 130 people, Burkina Faso’s government said on Thursday.

“I saw them arrive on their motorcycles... over a hundred – so many I couldn’t count them. They killed a baby who wasn’t even crawling yet and left its mother alive...

BTJ hosts training for underground house church pastors in Iran and it was AWESOME.
Thanx so much for the prayers.

For those of you who have followed our family vlog, we want you to know about what has happened.

The BTJ Vision and the Chinese Communist Party celebrate 100 years this year.
After 100 years, which has brought more good to China?

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