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Something I was thinking about o...😊
Love you, too..

Hi Ding Dash Family! You will enjoy hearing (fellow ding-dahser) Andy Berry's testimony on my podcast today!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter This is interesting. I hadn't known a lot of this info. Thank you for sharing this video.

A second update about my friend Mikael who is still in hospital. Unfortunately they won't let him go because his oxygen saturation is too low. They wanted to put him in IC on ventilator - exactly what's not a good solution (according to many). Both him and his wife have refused it, and it seems like the doctors have respected it if I understood it correctly (we discuss in a Telegram group). His CRP was 84 some hours ago. His wife wrote that they won't let her visit him. We wrote that she should demand that, because she is married to him, and has just recovered from C-19. There is so much strange things going on when it comes to C-19. Why put him on a ventilator when they just have started to give him antibiotics for his pneunomia? And then they report the news about how many unvaccinated they have in IC. Please, pray for a quick recovery and for protection from harmful interventions!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @MaryMamuzich @zephan @tanjaostman @VeritasDomain @Kruselady @bethany @sinbach Praying now with my family for these requests. It is a privilege to stand with you. May God give strength, grace, favor, protection and provision above what we ask or imagine.

@MaryMamuzich @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @zephan @tanjaostman @VeritasDomain @Kruselady @bethany @sinbach Amen!!! This work is sooooo powerful and important! The Lord sees even the sparrow and His eyes are fixed upon His messengers. I pray for overflowing joy and the awareness of His presence and favor in a fresh way. I pray for renewed vision and fulfillment in being privileged to be the ones to carry this Good News. May their strength be renewed as the eagles. May they run and not grow weary. May they walk and not faint. May they also be given the needed rest and refreshement, as the Lord gives His beloved sleep.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Cherishingsparrows2020 @zephan @tanjaostman @VeritasDomain @Kruselady @bethany @sinbach thankfully we serve a God who can do miracles, who promised to do what we ask in His name. A faithful Father who told us to spread his love and his word; a God who told us to trust Him and to be faithful. We are so strong together in prayer and those in the field are covered in prayer and surrounded with God's army - chariots of fire. The enemy can't stand before Him. May the Lord send Angels with flaming swords to protect His servants so that God's Holy Word will flood the land.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter🙏 may God bless those who heard the word of God. May ears and heart be open to the truth.

Please pray for a small team traveling!
10/40 Window.
(Representative pictures from open sources).

@MaryMamuzich @Berrybunchfamily

Thanks so much. Knowing that there are brothers and sisters who pray for us is of great encouragement and, beyond that, we believe that God answers the prayers of his children. God bless you.

Made the lounge

Found some wood and got a fire going

Watching a movie

Chillin time

Please pray for a friend of mine (middle aged) with covid! He's Christian and has asked for prayer. High fever for almost a week. He has taken Ivermectin, Zink, vit D etc. He's not vaccinated (if it matters, since they are so ineffective). He is going to check his lungs at the hospital today. I have no idea what protocol they use for covid, if it helps or if it only boils down to a person's own immunity.

First [nearly] proper fresh meal - Lemon chicken, brocolli and steamed rice

Nearly proper fresh, as it's a jar of lemon sauce...but, we're rather looking forward to this one, cow the rest is fresh

Cooked breakfast tomorrow morning has been purchased too

The studio is basically set out now, with green screen, lighting and other basic bits of kit set out

We've arranged the 4 desks that'll also be in there, and I've fitted a set of curtains to the ENORMOUS bay window (after repairing the teeny tiny wall plug that was supposed to be holding the rail in place - I guess combined with air pressure to hold it up lol !!)

And it seems none of our curtains fit anywhere upstairs, so blankets and sheets will have to do a while longer just yet!

All in all, a productive day. And, now, the fire is happily warming the lounge, and it's time for dinner, a movie and some down time!!

The BerryBunch

Many friends from different ministry fields are complaining about tummy upsets! Please pray. TIA

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