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@MaryMamuzich @Berrybunchfamily @Olamide @sinbach @bethany @tymektt @tanjaostman @Kruselady @Cherishingsparrows2020 Mary…you are the best cheer leader & an amazing encourager. May you feel how deep the Father’s love is for you. I want to be more like you. I honour you.💗

Victor the intercessor had his surgery to remove obstruction from the kidney. Morning he will be discharged.

Thank you for praying.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Psalm 34:19
Many hardships and perplexing circumstances confront the righteous, But the LORD rescues him from them all. 

@Olamide @Berrybunchfamily Dearest Holy Ollie! I knew you were out and about doing the Lord's work! You were heavy on my heart and in my prayers all through each day! Glad you are back on DD and safe. Relax and rest!!

Update on "Victor" the intercessor!

Both the Nephrologist and the Eurologist reached a conclusion on treatment.

Thank you for your prayers.

An intercessor (Victor) is undergoing medical check up, etc,
2. Medical professionals (because of their faith) facing a false legal investigation.
3. Logistics of few Training camps.
4. Replacement vehicle for the base.
4. Resources for ministry expansion in some responsive regions, where DMM is happening. (Scriptures, audio Bibles for non-literates, travel assistance for facilitators, Repair/ maintenance assistance with 2 wheelers, etc)

@Kruselady @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @MaryMamuzich @zephan Thank you! We are all doing much better. We are still having some coughs, but the main lingering symptom is fatigue. I hope this too will pass soon, but God has been SO good to us. Thank you so much, each of you, for your prayers! He certainly has sent forth His Word and healed us.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter how terrible and frightening for both "Andrew" and his family!!
I pray the Lord is with him as He was with Joseph when his brother threw him in the pit. May Andrew draw nearer to Christ and know God's hand is a strong shield.

The city of Lovisa, Finland.
(Picture: Discovering Finland)

There are 187,888 lakes in Finland larger than 5 acres (500 square metres / 5,382 sq.ft.).
(Picture: Discovering Finland)

We went shopping today and didn't notice any panic in our city today. 😅 We live our lives as usual - what else could we do? But of course it's not fun to neighbor Russia, and the last two months Finns have been worried, and Russia, Ukraine, NATO, and our defense is the main topics on news every day. Some days I wake up with anxiety. Finland (and Sweden will probably follow suit) will apply for NATO membership, and Russia has made clear that it won't be without consequences. Our president Sauli Niinistö made a phone call to Mr Putin today. He is probably the head of a state who has talked to Putin the most. Putin didn't express any direct threat today, but said it will affect our relationship. (Finland has been a neutral buffer state between Russia and West ever since after WW2. When we join NATO those neutral days are gone, and we become an enemy). Please pray for Finland, and our president, who has a key position because of his relation with Putin! Niinistö and his wife are Christian.

: 3 years ago this day I wrote a Review: Five Festal Garments: On : The Song of Solomon, , , and

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