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In one part of the country Children's ministry curriculum "DOVE" could not be introduced because of floods, other side has severe drought!!!
Please pray for volunteers who are involved in preparing a new generation of children's ministry workers.

But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth:

@Rymiller843 Father in Heaven I pray you bring healing and good medical care to this lady and to strengthen the baby and dad.. in the mighty name of Jesus.. God’s Son!

@Rymiller843 Heavenly Father, I ask you to stop the bleeding permanently and console the hearts of these parents. May Your peace and protection come upon this family, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

@Rymiller843 , praying with you, asking God for His healing hand over these dear ones.

@Rymiller843 We praise God Almighty for this precious baby and praise you for not leaving this little family. We praise you, Lord for your healing hands that are the mother. May God guide the doctors as they work and give them wisdom. Lord, plz heal and stop the bleeding.

Another group of believers will be facing the music this week in South Asia! Will you please pray for them ?

Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar with Buddhist majority, community pressure is quite heavier than persecution from the authorities.
Whereas Bangladesh is moderate as Muslims of the country are not radicalized.
The majority of the population fighting poverty, so no time to defend the religion.

India is a hard nut to Crack!
The present government represents the majority religion (Hinduism) , rather they hijacked the religion for their hidden agenda 🙄.
The intelligence training India receives from Israel.
Do you know that both India and Israel hates Muslims and Christians?
Common agenda is building the temple?

So remaining anonymous is for the benefit of ordinary believers, who are under pressure from the community, authorities and family members.

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