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“I have so much to do today that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”
-Martin Luther

@Berrybunchfamily Hey friends, do you have any contact with @Olamide ? How is he and wife doing? Any prayer requests for them?
(Once you mentioned about getting connected to him over the phone).

A young man of 20+ is suffering from Kidney and liver related disorders.
Semi orphan from poor financial background.
Please intercede for a !

Friends, please pray for Miss. R, who is appearing for her engineering exam.
Under pressure from the Professor and stress related to various other factors.
Psalm 91 protection over all young believers who face discrimination and harassment.

Please pray for @richardafaherty and his wife Mrs. Sharon.
Copying his message below;

Please consider praying for my wife Sharon (76) has upr jaw cancer surgery January 3. , then left cancerous kidney removed January 18. We are blessed with wonderful medical help and detection of cancer not known, then short time to removal surgery! God is blessing .. however your prayers are coveted.. it will be traumatic and the surgeons do there part but God is the healer! We both trust our savior Jesus & ask a His loving care

Persecution is on the rise on India, especially in Chhatisgarh State. I've seen videos of believers getting beaten by bamboo poles, and their rice crops stolen.
From a friend:

Situation got very serious in Narayanpur city. While we all were celebrating New Year in different places. They destroyed several churches from last 3days including one of our village church. All the Christians from these 3 villages are sleeping in jungle from last 3 nights. They are seeking to kill Pas Rajmal. He is hiding from few days. Please pray. Around 9 hundred persecutors gather and attacked 2 of Pas Rajmal Karanga's place on January 1st. A Mob (4000 people) gather in Narayanpur city. Destroyed Christian school and a church. There is a curfew now. These people want to close down whole Baster division. In Baster there are 6 districts including Bijapur and Narayanpur. My family (The Overseeing Pastor Ramesh & Family ) has to move out today to be in a safe place. Please pray for us and our protection.

Please consider praying for my wife Sharon (76) has upr jaw cancer surgery January 3. , then left cancerous kidney removed January 18. We are blessed with wonderful medical help and detection of cancer not known, then short time to removal surgery! God is blessing .. however your prayers are coveted.. it will be traumatic and the surgeons do there part but God is the healer! We both trust our savior Jesus & ask a His loving care!

@richardafaherty Lord, please be with Richard and his wife. Give the medics wisdom as they do these surgeries. Help his wife's body to respond well. Give her strength and rapid recovery. May Richard and wife sense your presence and companionship through it all. Thank you. Amen.

Thank you friends of !
Our students who received BTJ martyrs scholarship are doing well in their studies.
@sinbach Thank you for making it possible.

‘On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

And when Paul had then laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began speaking in tongues and prophesying..’

Acts 19:5-6

I don't care about your denomination, eschatology, or your finer points of theology.

Do you love Jesus?
Do you love people?
Do you live a Holy life?
This is what matters.

The truth sets your free; it does not commend you to God or make you part of the “in crowd.”

How long will you neglect to go and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you? Joshua 18:3
#2023 The year of taking possession!

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