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@Berrybunchfamily amen . My daily prayer is let my eyes see what you see let my ears hear what you hear my hands be your hands .

Calling all prayer warriors!
This is my granddaughter, most of you prayed for her and my daughter at the time of her birth, she is 14 months old. She has not grown in the last 3 months, the doctor said she won't be too concerned unless she doesn't grow in the next 3 months. Plz pray for normal growth. Thank you!!

@davereimer @faith20 @Berrybunchfamily May God provide for all His children. He sees and cares. May He also use you to bring hope to those in darkness living around you. May He give you peace as you trust in Him.

This is a sad day for Finland. 😢 A transgender law was accepted today which allows men/female couples to have children as being the childs only parents. Also the definition of "mother" and "father" is going to change. A biological woman giving birth to a child can now be the father of the child. So crazy!!

If Italy is going through a punishment of God, so will be the case for Finland too. We are today stepping aside from God's blessings and shelter with this law that violates His standards and creation. 🥶😭 God have mercy on us!! 🙏


These words come to mind in reference to the sadness we Christians have when we hear news like this from Finland.

Here are the words:

"and delivered righteous Lot, sore distressed by the lascivious life of the wicked (for that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their lawless deeds): the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly ...".

2 Peter 2:7‭-‬9

Italy 2022

In Italy they are about to ration gas and electricity due to the war in Ukraine and are about to ration drinking water in homes due to the drought.


After this law, will it still be possible in Finland to talk about the family freely without having problems with the law? I ask you because in Italy they would like to pass a law accusing all those who affirm the biblical family model of homophobia. I hope they will not pass such a law.

@faith20 Well, it's such a silence around this new law that it's quite hard just to know what it really contains. But I believe this is one of the agendas with this law; to be able to shut the mouths of the "homophobic" ones. When it's written in the law that really changes the circumstances and the atmosphere from what it was before, even if there wouldn't be any concrete actions against the "hate speech" (yet).
Sadly I believe this agenda is on the EU level and they would want this same law all around Europe. But I really hope Italy will do better and they'll stay strong against this madness!

As the people of Afghanistan deal with the devastation of the earthquake yesterday, our team is on the ground providing immediate emergency aid 🙏🏼

@faith20 Very good to hear that! Every resisting country in Europe is a benefit for all other countries. 👍

I believe what happened in Finland with the resistance we used to have, is that they were able to "buy" one big party in the government, "the Center" (Keskusta) by promising them things they have wanted for years to get through in Finland (a change in the socialcare system). So by giving the Center what they wanted, the Center have in exchange promised not to resist the transgender law. I also believe that this is one big reason for the silence: many of the voters for the Center come from the countryhood with a lot of conservative people. They don't want conservative people in Finland to start instead voting for the "Fundamental Finnish party" (Perussuomalaiset) - who are now in the opposition - where basically every parliament member is against this new law.

#2017 everybody is talking about global warming, nobody is saying anything about export of Boulders and stones from the river, mining of sand and 🪨 rocks.

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