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@HimalayanShepherd Jesus, I ask you to make their hearts overflow with your love, that the Holy Spirit will surround them, protecting them from the evil one and that they will have a hungry for a close relationship with you - the one true God.
Jesus, please allow these ppl to hear your voice and cause their eyes to clearly see the difference between the rot of the flesh and the loving peace of life with the Holy Spirit.
Also, hold your faithful servants in your hands; strengthen their courage to speak and work boldly; touch their bodys and make them healthy and their hearts to know & trust your guidance. In the power and in the name above all names - Jesus. I pray. Amen.

@HimalayanShepherd Praise God. I'm thankful for Jesus being in all our circumstances; testing our obedience and faith. I'm thankful his ways and thoughts are not our ways or thoughts. Total surrender no looking back... So easily said but so hard to throw our common sense out the window and walk in faith, sweeter than honey when we do. I'm grateful for being apart of the prayers and delighted seeing God move mountains.

@Olamide I'm not sure about this one.... 🤔 Kinda a weird way of putting things

@Cherishingsparrows2020 🙏
It's so hard waiting for these test results. But with the Lord we can rest in his strength and love knowing he is in control and is that great healer. Thank you for the update.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 standing in prayer with you. Thank you for letting us pray for your daughter. Looking forward to the update.

@Olamide auto correct is wrong! "Oh, but how our flesh fights God's corrections"

@Olamide oh, not how the flesh fights against God's corrections!

@HimalayanShepherd unbelievable! If they only knew it would've help all ppl. But, Jesus said we would be hated because of him.

@tymektt I'm totally lost! I couldn't understand one word!! I'm so grateful you know English!!

@DevotionalTreasures one of my favorite verses. All these things point to Jesus. He is all these and so much more!

@Berrybunchfamily what a beautiful ride! Now that I have a puppy, I need a puppy backpack☺️

@sinbach I don't understand why they would do these lockdowns to the healthy. I feel so bad for the ppl. I continue to pray for China.

@faith20 "The step of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord"
May our Lord guide you in all things and give you wisdom and allow your heart to hear His still quiet voice.

@bethany @Cherishingsparrows2020 @HimalayanShepherd @DevotionalTreasures @Berrybunchfamily @Toolman @weavers4jesus @tymektt @sinbach DingDash def cradles a person in need of prayer. When I was in need of prayer I could feel the praying hand upon me and I rested in the arms of our Father. Another amazing thing!!! When my daughter, Lisa, was in the hospital I ask Jesus to surround her bed with angels and keep her safe. Weeks after Lisa was out of the hospital my sister-in-law told me that while she prayed for Lisa the Lord gave her a vision of angels around her bed!!
Jesus is love.

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