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@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter A scary journey for sure! I pray the Lord will surround them with angels to guide them safely. May the hearts of those that hear the gospel be softened to the Lord's touch. Lord, plz change lives by your precious and Holy word.

@tymektt @Berrybunchfamily @tanjaostman
Being forbidden may make ppl curious and just "have to have this book"

@Olamide in the storms and when mountains don't seem to move there is still joy. Only a mighty God can making a sad crushed heart sing.

@Olamide I'm late saying this, but, Happy Anniversary!! Marriage is a wonderful gift from God when He is in the center! May God bless you with many many more years together.

@Olamide Amen.
When my girls asked me this, I told them, " This is a sinful world and bad things happen but God is in control and loves us - Heaven is our home.

@Olamide as I've said before, there is no fooling God. He knows our hearts, He knows if we love Him. He knows if we believe He is the Son of God. Question: wouldn't the Holy Spirit give us unrest if we live life in the flesh. Like Lot who tormented the Spirit in him by his life style? God dragged him out.
I understand why Jesus wants us to see our neighbor as He sees them so we can pray for them. So God can "save them from sin not leading to death" (unbelief)
You get me thinking...thank you
You look healthy! I pray you are doing well.

@Olamide Amen.
How can a man love his wife as Christ loves the church if he doesn't love the Lord with all his heart, mind and strength?

@daniel my brain refuses riddles🤣🤣 it's like I put up a block saying, " nope, not going there... Go get a snack instead." Then I agree a snack sounds good.

@tymektt this sounds very interesting. I have many Catholic friends. My husband is Catholic. I was raised Lutheran ( very conservative) I really don't see myself under any denomination. What type of church do you attend? I can fellowship with anyone that confesses Jesus as the Son of God - the whole gospel.

@danielgray wow! Both awesome and sad! So many lost ppl, so much work and praying to do.

@sinbach FB is sooooo messed up! How is this not hate speech

@TakeN this in so cool! Good eye! I wouldn't think of taking I photo of this. I like it very much!

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