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@tanjaostman New York is beautiful in the fall. I've never been to NY city and don't plan on ever going there but the rural areas of the state are pretty.

@tanjaostman you may have to decide what you are interested in and visit that area. I don't like big cities so I tend to stay away from them. I don't know if I'd ever make it to Finland but I'm really enjoying your pictures.

@sinbach .... I love this interview and beyond excited for this book! Will it be a Fufu book as well? What a hero for young girls.

@tanjaostman I enjoyed all the pictures! I want to come visit your country!!

@tanjaostman glad you had a nice vacation. I agree, winter comes too soon! I do love Fall.

@daniel LOL!!! Her mom is chihuahua with short legs but very long, her dad is Rat Terrier and somewhere on the mom side was Miniature Pinscher... She's a delight! A sweet mutt! LOL!

@bethany Happy Birthday, my sweet sister in Christ! I pray your day is as blessed as you have been to me. I pray your year is filled with boldness and joy as you serve our Savior. Hugs to you!

When it's hot out and your puppy is scared of water 🤣
Today was better, she had fun in her roasting pan pool!

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