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@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I'm without words! I shake my head and close my eyes. My heart hurts. I lift all the pain and suffering the ppl of India are going through right now and for the future when there are no crops to harvest and few animals for food and for the lack of food for the animals.... The suffering looks endless but our Lord truly is above our limits; is faithful and able to supply all our needs.
I lift my hands and broken heart to the One who cares the most.

@faith20 @Cherishingsparrows2020 why would teaching at home be ok for those that took the shot but not ok for those who choose not to take it???? Not right!!

@faith20 I will continue to pray for you and others like you in your country. Thank you for the update.

@TakeN as I've said many times, you have a good eye! Seeing many things ppl don't.

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