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Skeptics ask, thinking this is a Contradiction: When did ’s temple tantrum occur? Our refutation of the skeptic's attack

Our baptism tank is almost ready in that new secret location. Public functions are dangerous than before.

Traveling to a location where the House Church Elder 'confiscated ' Bibles from families who kept more than 1 copy and gave to families without any!
Of course they have New Testament, however Lockdown for 2 years forced the local house churches to have a closer walk with Jesus.
Travel with us through prayer. Stop your painful leg cramps at night or day with the right type of magnesium and proper hydration. It really works as I've had really bad painful leg cramps that woke me up and kept me up at night with no relief. I hated going to sleep knowing it would wake me up in severe pain. I finally discovered the right mineral type and now am free from painful leg cramps and spasms at night and so can you!

@tanjaostman big welcome @Emmur to DingDash! which church do you go to in Sweden? maybe our paths will cross some day.

One of my best friends in Sweden has come to DingDash! (We met in a Church when we lived in Stockholm) 🙌 ❤️ 😊 Welcome Emma! @Emmur She is a very seasoned Christian, and she has much wisdom and knowledge, and leadership experiences. She is a people person, who has been working for many years in public schools. When rubber meets the road...

@sinbach their explanation is pure BS, as always. They have become such bullies and liars. FB is nothing like it used to be 14,5 years back when I joined. They are ridiculous. I wish all of my relatives and friends on FB would join DD instead. I'm not a lot on FB anymore, but it's hard for me to leave it, since a great majority of my relatives and friends don't live close by. I love to connect with people. I need to reconsider this... I would like to delete my account as a statement. They suppress free speech, democracy, freedom of religion and true science/research. They pretend they stand up for these values, but they don't. They do the opposite.

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