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@Rymiller843 Heavenly Father, I ask you to stop the bleeding permanently and console the hearts of these parents. May Your peace and protection come upon this family, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. If you care about you and your family's health you will not want to drink tap water, and always have a filter strong enough to get out pathogens like viruses, bacteria, amoeba and heavy metals like fluoride, mercury, lead and radiation. Most city water is contaminated by Sodium Fluoride, which is a neurotoxin (brain and nervous system poison), immune system poison and can lower your IQ by 10 points. Here's how to get it out of you and your family's drinking water! Berkey Water filters for portable use and Pure Effect with Zeolites for whole house water filters (or drinking water filters) are the absolute best!

Another group of believers will be facing the music this week in South Asia! Will you please pray for them ?

Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar with Buddhist majority, community pressure is quite heavier than persecution from the authorities.
Whereas Bangladesh is moderate as Muslims of the country are not radicalized.
The majority of the population fighting poverty, so no time to defend the religion.

India is a hard nut to Crack!
The present government represents the majority religion (Hinduism) , rather they hijacked the religion for their hidden agenda 🙄.
The intelligence training India receives from Israel.
Do you know that both India and Israel hates Muslims and Christians?
Common agenda is building the temple?

So remaining anonymous is for the benefit of ordinary believers, who are under pressure from the community, authorities and family members.

1,000 posts on our website is pretty fab. But the numbers have taken me quite aback - we don't go looking. We simply do what we believe God is asking of us. However, sometimes, it's nice to know that people are watching what we do...

God is good!

Andy B

1,000 posts. We’re only just beginning!

This is your 1,000th post from the BerryBunch. And, well, we thought we should mark this in some way, so here we are!

On 19th April 2020 we published our very first post titled, simply, “First post of the blog”.

And, since then, we’ve grown from the odd video, to regular output including Sunday PLUS, Andy B 2 Minute Videos, Family Prayer Time, Marriage Matters, Endurance, Jo’s blog posts, Story Time with Dave the Dog and Little Blessings Online, books and more.

For the rest of this post visit our website -->

The BerryBunch

I am working on a song in the studio with my friend, Jim Beaver. I think you will love this song when ti is finished. I look forward to sharing it with the Church and the "not-yet" church.

On any given spiritual topic, there are myriads of opinions, accompanied by various Scripture references. This often leads the serious seeker to seek out an authoritative standard or voice to cut through the confusion.
The obvious solution is to "go back to the roots." But this means different things to different people.
Some go back to their childhood church, some to their denomination headquarters. Others seek out text by "fathers of the faith," or historical liturgy and tradition by long established institutions.
But there is only one true Root... The Root of Jesse, the Word made flesh, the Godhead in bodily form, the Cornerstone, the Good Shepherd, the Door, the King of kings, Lord of lords, Emmanuel, the Righteous Judge, the Savior of the world.
Yeshua hamashiach!
I have to believe that the Holy Spirit will guide me into all truth as I read the Gospels because they tell of the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

A   Review because sometimes Pastors also need a break from heavy theological : The Shadow: The Last Illusion

@DevotionalTreasures won't we all cheer loudly when our Father throws Satan in the Lake of Fire!!
What a snake he is!!
We always win when we're on our knees before the Lord! We all love you, Alan!

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