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Andy has been admitted overnight to heart unit. Currently on Beta Blockers to get heart rate down, which seems to be working! Jo

According to Joshua Project, there are about 7,402 unreached people groups in the world who haven't heard the gospel, representing about 3,278,434,000 people. Let's spread out and look beyond the four walls of our local churches.

Big concern, government mandate for federal workers. The meat inspectors are walking off the job about 50% refuse the jab. Planned meat shortages by our government. It is coming big time. No inspection equals no sales or shipping.

Praise God that the gates of India opened to foreign tourism and commercial flights Nov. 15! Heading there for 2 weeks in less than a week to encourage and train the brothers and sisters. So thankful.

@tanjaostman I understand you, Tanja! The situation is precipitating in some countries (in Italy too). I do not know what to do anymore. I pray, I sing to the Lord, I meditate on the Scriptures but I don't know how to get out of this nightmare. It is a constant struggle to keep God's peace. Only God knows how we feel and will surely act in our favor according to his will. God bless you and protect you.

Lithuania is the most authoritarian state in Europe right now. Poor people. They were suffering under Soviet communist rule until 1990, when they became independent (again). Without the covid passport It's even difficult to buy groceries. Sometimes I feel like taking part of a bad movie because of what's happening around the world. It doesn't make sense. Last night I had nightmares and woke up with anxiety in the morning. I just had to start the day with worship songs and then focusing on work. I had read and heard too much yesterday, that upset me. So much suffering! I wouldn't be as anxious if I wouldn't have a child. I think of his (and all children's) future in this evil and weird world. One thing is for sure, it is more difficult to be young today than it was only ten years ago. And then comes this evil plandemic that makes young people kill themselves in despair. I don't feel depressed but extremely frustrated and sometimes anxious, like today.

Covid update

Thankyou to those who have been praying and/or sending messages supporting us since last weekend! I will try to find a way of explaining just how important those messages have been, when Im able to

My wife of 25 years - today - made me take a self test, which showed I am testing negative for active virus. Which is good. Because any damage is already done, and it can't make me any worse.

We're aware this is good news, but not the end of this story. We still have a cough, feel generally very rough, and weak.

And Complications can still happen. But a negative test is certainly an encouraging step towards health

But thanks for your prayers thus far. They're still needed.

Andy, Jo, Steven, Nathan and Peter - The BerryBunch

Covid updates

Jo and I slept through the morning. And her cough is very much there.

I'm wrestling with a headache again, and temperature fluctuations

Haven't actually seen the boys yet...

I feel utterly dreadful. We've prayed against the virus in our home and bodies, to leave.

But God is still good, and while I have breath in my lungs I will yet praise Him...even if my lungs aren't in quite the happy place I'm used to!

I decided it's time to start seeing some improvements in our health....9 days in...I'm gonna keep hoping we're on the upward trend not the downward trend...

@MaryMamuzich the headache is shocking. My latest one lasted nearly 24 hours, with no let up, and pain killers did nothing

@KarlGessler thankyou.

we're all still utterly dreadful. Energyless. Lifeless.

Seeing the boys so low is horrible.

Jo and I have a proper nasty taste in our mouths, which makes eating anything without feeling more sick a huge obstacle

Can't taste anything either. Its a bizarre situation!

We are all up today (yesterday I couldn't find the strength to get out of bed) although today I've had a shower and a tiny bit of scrambled egg...the most I've eaten in a couple of days

@Cherishingsparrows2020 Thanks for your message. Unfortunately few are understanding my decisions, my way of dealing with the pandemic. I also lost my parents' esteem. I am living in a big distress but I know that God is with me. I am happy to have discovered Ding Dash and I am happy to be able to trust in the prayers of all my Ding Dash contacts. We often feel alone. But we know that God is with us. Thanks again. God bless you and bless all my brothers in Christ. Here in Italy a new pandemic is starting. The fourth wave. It seems to never end. We are exhausted. God will provide and help us. With tears in my eyes, I pray that God will bless you in all circumstances.

Prayer Request!
My sweet mom had carpal tunnel surgery on her right hand yesterday morning. She's a touch 91 year old that looks and acts 70.

@faith20 you are so right regarding learning from the underground persecuted church! That's why I found Back to Jerusalem so intersted. I don't want persecution here, but we see some signs... things are changing rapidly in our society, so we need to be prepared that anything can happen.

In Italy the situation is really unbearable. Without a vaccination passport you can no longer work. As I have already written to you since the first of September I am at home without work. It's sad but it's happening right under our eyes. I have been a believer for twenty years and I can assure you that it is a very hard test. I am also thinking of expatriation but I don't even know where to go. They took our jobs away! Pray again for my wife and me. Let's pray together for Italy. Remember that what is happening now here could happen anywhere because Italy has been chosen as the world leader for the organization of vaccinations. Thanks again. I love you in Jesus Christ.

We just got a phone call from an orphanage that has a little 2 year old that is facing end of life. They are asking us to consider respite love and care....please pray we have wisdom! We will be learning more, but so far he is on oxygen 24 hours a day....and it sounds like having seizures too....


Our dear friend Pastor Alain in Santiago de Cuba is facing charges for
Preaching the gospel in Cuba.
Please keep him and his family in prayers.

Pray for these beautiful children all rescued from the evil and trauma of human trafficking. This is one of several houses CMM cares for in Asia with our loving staff. The numbers are increasing and we ask you to pray about helping with monthly support for all their needs: food, medical care, clothing, utilities, Christian education and as they grow, vocational training so they can live Christ-centered, fruitful, productive, self-sustaining lives. Pray and give at HTTP://

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