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Even we try best, we still don't know how to keep our boy safe from all uncertainty. It has been 3 months now Mikhael was saved by God grace.
Thank you for your prayer support.

The rabbit hole goes deeeep... The whole thing with the pandemic, lock-downs and vaccine is about everything else than just a virus and science. There are so many non-scientific and unethical things going on. I believe in research, but not in multi million dollar companies. Moderna has been stopped for men under 30 in several country. Just one example.

This is a whistleblower who used to work for Pfizer. She got hold on email conversations about hiding from the public that they use human fetus, meaning aborted babies in the vaccine. She seems very trustworthy. Pfizer is a criminal company. They have for instance been convicted for several crimes, including testing a new risky medicine on Nigerian children without their parents' consent. Some of them died of the trial. But African lives don't matter as much as their dirty money matter? And Pfizer, a super rich company, wants me to have their so called vaccine with cells from aborted babies. No thanks.

I was going to post this a few days ago.

Now I'm asking brothers and sisters for urgent prayer for healing. My wife and I have come down with Co**d.
Our symptoms are different one from another and we never thought we could ever get this..
I've been really sick with it for over a week now.
I feel like I should take something (besides just motrin IB and acetaminophen and organic apples, etc.) I've had almost no appetite for a week now. I feel nauseated to put food in my mouth and today it has been harder to breathe, and I've been dizzier.
At least my wife has been able to eat, but she's had a stronger cough for a while. But now the cough is getting me bad and making it harder to breathe.
I welcome prayers, recommendations, etc.
Bless you

Re-post : Cause everyone should see the sickness...........

Will be speaking at four churches next week in Idaho and giving updates about our work in China, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan.
I can NOT wait to see my friends.


I can't believe it! We are in danger of having no van!Our city has new rules and we must get rid of our van! It has an emissions problem that is a design flaw.

WE MUST have a van! Here are some reasons:
-work is so far away that he cannot use buses to travel.
-Joshua's emergency seizures. trips to the hospital and health needs.
-No more orphanage outreach :-(
-Our family can't fit a car - we are 7 people.
-There are ministry needs that I am not free to share.
WE are looking into options, but**BUT WE ONLY HAVE 14 DAYS* until we must hand our van over.
So I am starting this fundraiser immediately!

I do not want to use GOFUND ME because they take almost 3%.!
We we will need to raise approximately $9000.

If you can help here is the link:

PLEASE know that we are thankful from the bottom of our hearts! We know God wants the people in China touched even MORE than us!
The Weaver Family!

Here are the 26 teens, age 13-15 in our safe house in PK praying. They thank all intercessors for your prayers and thank our CMM Partners who sowed into our Rapid Response fund to free them from slavery. There are more awaiting rescue.

Thank you dear CMM Partners and Intercessors for praying and helping free 26 girls, age 13-15 from slavery. Here are some of the 26 girls sleeping their first few hours in freedom. Pray for healing from trauma and all the Lord desires for each of them.

What a week I'm having!! My 91 year old mom has covid, along with my two sister, my brother and his girlfriend...I was with them, even -sat between my sisters and didn't catch it. My better half lost his vision in one eye and my puppy got very sick and had to go to urgent care!! Even so, God's blessings are all around! My mom has a bad cough but it's not effecting her oxygen level , one of my sister's got very sick but doing better, the other sister is very tired but feeling ok, my brother got very sick but doing better, his girlfriend needs prayers as she is now feeling very sick. I'm heart sick about my hubby's eye but he does have great vision in his other eye. puppy recovered and still eating every gross thing she finds.

Keep us down in Louisiana in your prayers. Lots of devastation

@Olamide come quickly Lord Jesus, we long for His coming.

From our "on the ground" partner in Laos. Since January until now. Ready for this??
1. 24,361 have heard the gospel
2. 4,671 have been saved. (1 in 5 who heard)
3. 1,792 Baptized (2 in 5 saved get baptized)
4. 134 new discovery discipleship groups
5. 57 new house churches planted
6. 1689 leaders trained.
7. Jesus glorified.

Amen???!!!!!! Pray for Laos. Pray for AIM1040.COM AS we continue to focus on those who have never heard. Love you all.

@ChrisHarrison Hallelujah!
We are on the winning side!
7. May the Name of Jesus glorified in our neighborhood and across the world!

Let's open our eyes and see 'satan falling '

The Kingdom of God is expanding like a wild fire in Laos and across the Globe!

The King Of Glory is entering 10/40 window!

Prayer warriors – we need your prayers!
The Taliban is using sophisticated biometric equipment that they have captured from the military, and they are using it to go door-to-door to hunt down Christians.
BTJ is working with our hackers to develop a way to disable this equipment. It is a long shot, but our God is ABLE!
Prayers are desperately needed.

Just arrived in Pakistan, willing to share God's love and wisdom, praying to hear from Him with regard to our next steps that He wants us to make to impact this nation and train church to reach the unreached and unengaged here. ❤️ 🙏

Praying for BTJ family in Afghan too. Pray and help them as the Lord leads. I just spoke to our friend Tahir and he reports that over 100 have fled Afghan to his place in PK.  They had 3 pastors in Afghan and 2 so far with their families have made it to PK.  Pastor Siddique and his family have lost contact.  They all had to take hidden paths away from all roads and highways to evade the taliban.  Many of the women had their clothes ripped and torn from climbing steep rocks and terrain.   Some of the daughters were kidnapped in the last few days and did not make it.  So tragic and evil indeed. Pray for Siddique and his family to make it to PK.  Pray for all the brethren to be covered in His wings and made invisible from evil killers.  I asked Tahir how many were making it out and he said they are heading to the closest border depending on where they are.  We have already raised saved several thousand for this .

@sinbach I'm sensing a false flag coming soon... How about Sean Feucht's Let Us Worship event on the National Mall in DC on September 11th?! I would not be surprised if Antifa infiltrates and causes trouble. Since the feds have announced this "threat" ahead of time, they will feel justified in attempting to arrest Sean and other believers... Like January 6th all over again. They are trying to silence all opposition. Lord help us! 😂😭🙏

Please join us in praying for Ethiopia. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front have recently taken the ancient city of Lalibela.

The churches of Lalibela date back to the 12th century and are carved out in the mountains. The rock churches are a monument to the strength and endurance of the faith. Now, this ancient city and the nation of Ethiopia needs our prayers.

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