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Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

Please keep my elderly Mother who is 80 in your prayers. She is in the hospital for internal bleeding. She is also having pain and a lot of confusion. 😞🙏

Andy H boosted

"Small streams don't plan to be mighty rivers.
We simply move through life like water directed by God's mighty hand and He decides what we will become."

Andy H boosted

Many men going fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after.

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

Having just received this from our Worship Team at Hope Church Rotherham for my Birthday ,I feel really humbled but in reality the attributes they see in me are only because Jesus put them there for his purposes ,Having said I am a pretty good Drummer 🤣 Jesus did that for me too🙏

Andy H boosted

History is being made.
Several among a 0% Christian people group in the Middle East have just come to Jesus and were baptized by Forge ambassadors!!

Andy H boosted

Calling all prayer warriors!
This is my granddaughter, most of you prayed for her and my daughter at the time of her birth, she is 14 months old. She has not grown in the last 3 months, the doctor said she won't be too concerned unless she doesn't grow in the next 3 months. Plz pray for normal growth. Thank you!!

Andy H boosted

Aftermath of Terrorists shooting at a
Catholic church in South West Nigeria this Pentecost Sunday. Injured were rushed to hospital....these are those shot dead .
Viewer discretion is advised as the video contains graphic contents

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

I found this in the IG feed. It was shared by another person, so I don't know who this woman is. But only her new picture makes her testimony trustworthy enough.

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

Found a back door to provide food to North Korea during these hard times. This is ONLY because of prayer. A big thanks to everyone praying for BTJ!

Andy H boosted

Time spent in worldly pursuits is lost; but time spent with God is invested in Heaven.

Just enjoying my last few hours as a fifty nine year old🙃 So Thankful to God for excellent health ,family and all that but wondering do i have to grow up now and be sensible 😎

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

Surrendering to God means you don't have to surrender to the Devil!

Andy H boosted

UK politicians are set to regulate home educating famikies like they do with sex offendors

Never thought I'd see that see sort of a comparison being made by academics and experts on this latest proposal to criminalise parenting.

Prayers are needed for the UK. A proposed piece of legislation would send normal mums and dads to prison, with no upper limit, if they fail to comply in anyway - a forced home education register

The people set to manage this? They won't be trained or have any knowledge in home education, and there will be no appeal process or accountability for their actions.

I'm trusting in Jesus, but this proposal makes me feel quite sick

Oh, it's all to keep children safe. My MP was almost giddy when he replied to my letter, so excited was he about this proposal.

Meanwhile a 16 year old child was physically assaulted, by a group of class mates - in school - while teachers did nothing. Her crime for the vigilante retribution? Saying there are only two genders.

Andy B

Andy H boosted

@Berrybunchfamily amen . My daily prayer is let my eyes see what you see let my ears hear what you hear my hands be your hands .

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