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Bethany boosted

There is a 🔥Bible Revival🔥 Taking Place in Asia, Middle East, and Africa. People are more hungry than they have ever been. ✞✞
That is why we are more focused that we have ever been to get the Bible into more hands than ever before. 🙌 🙌 🙌
2022 is the year of the Illegal Bible. 🗡
Join us in prayer as we support, smuggle, and distribute the World's Most Banned BOOK.

Bethany boosted

An Iranian Christian working with BTJ had 1,000 Bibles in his home to give to other believers. The Bibles were not hidden.
The police busted into his home looking for the Bibles. They looked at them, but couldn't see them!!!
How is that possible?

"The road of the cross is not always an easy one, but it is sweeter than the alternative.
During the hardest moments in life, the sweetest of sanctuaries is found in Him. The rewards are not obvious to observers, but they are unmistakable to the gladiators in the midst of raging battle.
God's ways are so much higher than our ways and allowing my fears to crumble in His mighty hands was the best thing I ever did - ALL things work together for the good of those who love the Lord."
- Pastor Shen Xiaoming (China and End Time Prophecy)

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Our Father in Heaven is not a scorekeeper, judging us by our failures vs. our successes. God, the father is goal-oriented. What matters is who we become, not what we have done.

The things we do shape who we become, but the way we respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, reshapes us into the image God intends. It doesn’t matter what crooked forms we took in the past.
What matters is our willingness to be remolded.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

I'm really NOT into Christmas...

BUT I downloaded the "Christmas in China" mp3 songs from BTJ and I'm enjoying it!
I don't understand anything except, "Yesu" and that's good enough for me.

The same goes for the other worship songs I have in other languages.

"Yesaya, Isa, Yeshua, Yeshu"

Makes me feel more connected to the greater Body of Christ while enjoying different musical styles.

HE is the ONE who unifies us!

Bethany boosted

“You are the light of the world!” (Matthew 5:14)

We often fail to appreciate how significant this statement is. Jesus calls His followers “the Light of the world.”

What chance does the world have to come out of darkness and into light without the Church? None.

Or as Paul questioned:
“How will they hear without a preacher?”
Answer: They won’t.

If the Church isn’t in revival, the world is descending into hell.

What a good day it is to be filled with the Holy Spirt! Our sanctification is the world’s salvation.

Lord, renew in us today, a steadfast and willing Spirit. By Your power, let us fulfill our calling to be the light of the world today. In Jesus’ name.

Bethany boosted

“So don’t worry away with your...

“What will we eat?”

“What will we drink?”

“What will we wear?”

“Don’t worry about tomorrow.”
(Matthew 6:31-34)

Are there any commandments as straightforward as these that we so regularly flaunt?

Jesus offers us rest.
Thank you, Jesus. I receive Your rest.

Bethany boosted

Inbox me if you are offended at the idea of idea of Christmas ☃️🎄
Let us pray and get this nastiness off you!!!

Bethany boosted

@tanjaostman For the moment it is not possible to teach without vaccine and I am praying that a door will open for me for another job but for now there is still nothing on the horizon. Vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 began yesterday in Italy. What is happening before our eyes is terrible. Jesus promised us to stay with us until the end of the present age. This means that God's grace is sufficient for God's children to face what is happening in the world. It is true, I feel very tried, but I know that I can do everything in the One who strengthens me. God bless you.

Bethany boosted

Feel the impact of persecuted Christians singing songs about the birth of Christ and completely change your idea of a Christmas Carol - FOREVER!
This illegal recording from inside China is available now for ONLY one more week.

Bethany boosted

@MaryMamuzich @Olamide

My heart hurts for these precious people. This is truly disturbing, but I thank you for sharing. I am moved to pray more for your beautiful country. 😭😭😭😭😭After watching, this song came to my heart and mind. Please be aware that there are disturbing images in the video of this song as well, but I tried to find a video of this song that best matched the meaning I take from the song. Jesus is the hope for all mankind. He is our Deliverer and He is coming again! He loves Nigeria so much and He died to redeem each and every one of these people who are suffering so deeply as a result of the enemy's work! Nigeria needs Jesus! We all need Jesus! He is the Only Hope for this messed up world!✝️

Bethany boosted

@MaryMamuzich Thank you so much for your love and support.
I am here to work toward the advance of God's Kingdom....I must preach.
If I wasn't a Missionary...I would have migrated a long time ago!
Keep praying for me.
(In the documentary they mentioned a Vigilante group called Oyambo....their office isn't far from where I live in Ikorodu Lagos).....and yes I have seen things...

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

On May 1, 2018, Huldah's husband, Abraham, didn't return home. The next day, his beheaded body was found. It is believed that Hindu radicals falsely told a Maoist group (Naxalites) that he was a police informant. The Maoist group, who generally oppose the government, killed him.

Pray for Huldah and her two adopted children as they continue in ministry and cope with such a great loss.

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