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But the day of the Lord will come as a thief; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Seeing that these things are thus all to be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy living and godliness, looking for and earnestly desiring the coming of the day of God, by reason of which the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

But, according to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

2 Peter 3:10‭-‬13 ASV

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Ron Corzine wrote:

My dad lived to be 86. Before he died he told me there was something he had never seen. He immediately had my attention because I thought he would have seen just about everything. He then quoted Psalm 37:25. "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or God’s children begging bread." In my 70 years, I've never seen this either. God is a faithful provider.

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This precious man won our hearts today! And we were able to bring a lot of smiles to his beautiful brown face! He is 83 years old! And sitting outside in the cold selling vegetables he grew! It was a great joy to buy from him. His hands were brown and cracked from his hard work, and his half toothless grin is amazing! He was so excited to talk to a Foriegner. He has lived a very hard life ( his whole generation has).
We will be looking for him each week and hopefully we can be a Blessing in his life!

It is a fact that God has delivered us from the power of darkness - Satan’s kingdom - and translated us into the Kingdom of Christ.

Thus, we have redemption and our sins are forgiven.

We are no longer in Satan’s territory nor are we under His authority.

The unbelieving, the Christ-rejecters, the rebellious and the disobedient are under Satan’s legitimate authority.

But we are not!

The fact is that when we repented and surrendered to Jesus Christ and made Him Lord, we were translated, carried over - spirit, soul, and body - out of the kingdom of Satan into the Kingdom of Christ.

Did you know that prophets can smell? They can smell uncleanness. They can smell sin. They can also smell the sweet aroma of prayer and worship. They can smell bread where the Word is preached. They can smell the fragrance of the Lord when He is present in a church.
Prophet, don’t be afraid to smell; you are not crazy.

If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be?

I rose up to open to my beloved, and my hands dripped with myrrh, my fingers with liquid myrrh on the handles of the bolt.

J. Eckhardt - "The Prophet's Manual"

People can be offended by prophets. Prophets can rub people the wrong way. Some people hate truth. They don’t like what prophets say. Remember, Jesus offended the people in His hometown. He offended the Pharisees and the religious leaders of His day. He did not “butter them up,” but He spoke the truth.

If you don’t want to offend anyone, you cannot be a prophet.

And they took offense at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.”
-MATTHEW 13:57

Then His disciples came and said to Him, “Do You know that the Pharisees were offended after they heard this saying?”
-MATTHEW 15:12

J. Eckhardt - "The Prophet's Manual"

Father, in the name of Jesus, I am at the brink of my Red Sea, but I thank You for the miracles that come as I face impossible situations.

I thank You for Your saving grace, Your strong right hand, and Your outstretched arm.

No one has an arm like Yours! Even as You brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea, I know You are doing the same for me.

I depend upon You to see me through. There is absolutely nothing impossible for You, Jesus.

I take courage and comfort knowing that You are my strength when I am weak.

My trust is in You, God. I take You at Your word, for Your word will not return void unto You.

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Imagine....your child leaves home for school in the morning and later that day you discover that the government detained them and all their classmates and sent them to a government quarantine camp because someone in the school was suspected of being exposed to the coronavirus.
This just happened at our sons' secondary school in Hong Kong.
No one at the school was sick.
No one from the school has tested positive.
The detention of all 120 children and sending them to a government quarantine camp was based on POSSIBLE exposure.

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Prayers are welcome for a 32 year old disciple living in our home (my husband had the privilege of sharing Jesus with him 11 months ago and afterward he was baptized and has been very eager to learn more of God's Word and share with others). Right now he is going through COVID. The rest of our family is fine. We had this sickness a year ago and I believe our immune response has been very good, praise God. Of course, we are still trying to do what we can to remain healthy. But, I wanted to ask your prayers for our family and especially for this brother in our home.

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faith20 boosted

The video clip in the article is heartbreaking! 💔 This is abuse! It's not about if we are pro or anti vaccine. mRNA aren't made like traditional vaccines. It's just statistical facts that the risk for young people to die or get hospitalized by the so called vaccine is several times higher than dying from the virus. It's not a nice virus, but this is worse...

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Found this in my phone. Can't remember who said it...

"Believer, Jesus loves each and every one of us equally, but He can only trust you in proportion to your obedience. It's one thing to say 'Jesus loves me'. It's another thing to say 'Jesus trusts me'.
You want to walk in His power? You want to be a mighty weapon in the hand of the Father with which He brings destruction to the kingdom of darkness? Then He has to be able to trust you."

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I feel utterly dreadful. We've prayed against the virus in our home and bodies, to leave.

But God is still good, and while I have breath in my lungs I will yet praise Him...even if my lungs aren't in quite the happy place I'm used to!

I decided it's time to start seeing some improvements in our health....9 days in...I'm gonna keep hoping we're on the upward trend not the downward trend...

Ezekiel was such a blessing to the captives in Chaldea, for he was a prisoner himself, and so wrote, “I sat where they sat” (Ezekiel 3:15 amp). Paul uses an arresting phrase, “the fellowship of His sufferings” (Philippians 3:10). This conveys the same idea about a mutual sharing of trials and sorrows. Are we lonely? If so, we can tell Jesus all about our experience, and He will console us. Remember, He had nowhere to lay His head, and all His disciples forsook Him and fled. At the cross, too, there is the mystery too deep for us to understand: He was momentarily forsaken by His Father for our sins. Are we in pain? Jesus can enter with us into such physical anguish for He knew what anticipated pain was, yet went steadily onward to meet it. (See Matthew 16:21; 20:17–19.) Then, did He not suffer the most terrible kind of actual and physical pain when He was scourged, crowned with thorns, and crucified? (See Matthew 27:26, 29, 35.) ....

... Because God spared not His own Son from the trials and sorrows of earth, God will not spare us similar experiences. After all, we are one in Christ. Yet being full of compassion and plenteous in mercy, God will see to it that the ill He does permit is for His glory and our present and eternal good. Did He not allow His children to be cast into the fiery furnace, thrown into the lion’s den, and driven out from their homes to wander in sheepskins and goatskins? Yet God sanctified unto them these grievous trials and turned the curse into blessing. If He scourges with one hand, He supports with the other, and thus He is our consolation. (See Jeremiah 31:13.)

Like John on the isle of Patmos, some saints are finding themselves in places of restriction in this hour, and are struggling with all the emotional trappings that attend imprisonment and confinement.

Feelings such as hopelessness, uselessness, despair, abandonment, rejection, reproach, lack of understanding, loneliness, vulnerability, etc.

With such a host of emotions assaulting the prisoner’s equilibrium, it’s difficult to maintain an unswerving confidence in the simple secret of this chapter:

When you’re in confinement, God is closer to you than you realize.

The Lord assures the afflicted soul, “‘I will be with him in trouble’” (Psalm 91:15).

When you’ve been troubled by circumstances that twist and press your soul, be assured that your Lord is closer to you than ever!

B. Sorge

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needs your prayers!
The food crisis is getting worse.
Please remember our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Also the poor, orphans and widows.

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Prayer Request!
My sweet mom had carpal tunnel surgery on her right hand yesterday morning. She's a touch 91 year old that looks and acts 70.

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