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Help Secure This Beautiful Campus in Kenya For A New CMM Church and Training Facility. Drs. Tom and Pamela Omukhobero are trusted, long-term CMM Members overseeing a large ministry with locations across Kenya.
Together, with CMM, they are developing a new campus in Khwishero. Several acres in a very fertile area are being prepared with a new church and training center. As valuable material is brought in we have an urgent need for a fence to avoid theft and vandalism.
Many families are excited to have a church locally to attend and see their children raised up in the Word and by godly example.
$1,400 USD is needed for this next phase.
Please pray and ask the Lord what He would have you to sow into this training facility to reach the unreached and expand the Kingdom of our God.
Material required
1. Barbed wire 6rolls=33,000/-
2. Chainlink wire 23rolls=31,250/-
3. Fencing posts 134 =69,500/-
4. Nails 20kg=6000/-
Total Kshs.139,750/-US $ 1,400

This world is so upside down!
"Malta, in 2016, became the first European Union country to ban attempts to “change, repress or eliminate a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression,” leading to fines or even jail time."

@davereimer Torben has sent a small greeting (not a video, just a writing) on YouTube for 23 hours ago. He's still in jail, now 1 year and 18 days, but he thanks God for His goodness. An inmate has just two days ago told Torben he's thanking God for sending Torben there. His life has been transformed, he will never be the same, and he says that the whole dorm is changed. So Torben says God is working on so many levels, but that also the fight is really still on. So he will come out with a longer update in a few days. He says: "Please keep all of this in your prayers, as everything is coming to an end and everything can happen at any moment now. Thank you for your love and support towards me and my family. God is moving, and He has a plan with all if this".

Here's the newest update from Torben.
This is encouraging - how Torben is living out his Christian faith in the prison. I'm thinking, how can I show more of God's love to people around me, to see and understand the needs, and be a help where I can? 🙏🏻

"It is more blessed to give than to receive". Acts. 20:35

@richardafaherty Good day, Sir!
I am well....but got very very busy in the field! Home now for a couple of weeks....just got dingdash back on my device..
God bless You so

Olamide Dawson. I’m worried about you.. haven’t heard from you in a while ..???

Does anyone know how Torben Sondergaard is doing?

Bethany@Bethany. ?? Have you heard from Pastor Olimide Dawson lately?? I am concerned for him!

Happy Independence Day to all Americans! 🇱🇷
I'm a fan of Danny Gokey, and this song touches me! There is a hint of sadness, but hope in it.
We celebrate independence day in Finland as well, but some nations only celebrate national day. It saddens me that there are people in my country, and yours, that celebrate the rainbow flag but are ashamed of their national flag. We have a cross in our flag, and it reminds me of God's protection over us. I follow several politically conservative voices on social media, and there is a great concern about what's going on in the USA today, and that your freedom is under threat. I have never been to the USA (yet), but the nation has impacted the rest of the world and has given me so much, from culture (music etc.) to strong Christian role models etc.
We experience the same challenges in all of West, and since 2020 evil rulers have revealed their ugly faces (those who understand understand what I'm talking about).

Loved this chapter from a book written more than 100 years ago by a Welsh missionary to China.

"The brightest day in a man's life is the day on which the revelation of God as Father becomes a reality to the soul. Is God my Father? Then I know that He will never leave me, and that He can never forsake me.

Is God my Father? Then I know that there is no poison in the cup which He gives me to drink. It may be bitter, very bitter; but there is no poison in it, there is nothing in it to hurt me.

Is God my Father? Then, though nailed to a cross, I can trust Him, and will trust Him.

"Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit." Such was His trust in God on His cross; and such shall be my trust in God on my cross. Jesus knew the Father perfectly, and trusted Him implicitly. He did so with regard to Himself, and He did so with regard to His mission and work. If He believed, why should I doubt? If He trusted in God, why should I hesitate to put my whole trust and confidence in Him?"

Representative pictures from open source.
As there is a demand for home delivery kits, we are taking steps to provide the same.
Pray that the hurdles may be removed.

Waiting for the crow to arrive!!!
The funds for an urgent project is stuck in transit.
Please pray for instant release of funds.
@MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady @tanjaostman @richardafaherty @VeritasDomain

(pictures from open sources).
Thank God for the new doors opened in this heavenly Country.
Pray that the initiatives and its friends are taking may help the believers to break the chain of poverty.
The scripture translation and digital production may have its full impact.

"Kadrin chhe la = Thank you.
Namey samey kadrin chhe la – thank you beyond heaven and earth.

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