Recipes from #Myanmar say a #Prayer for the local churches and believers.
Christian Evangelist Slain in Eastern Uganda - Morningstar News
> An evangelist who had received death threats from Muslim extremists was killed after leading Muslims and others to Christ on June17 in eastern Uganda, sources said.
Thank you for your prayers 🙏
Our team is progressing quietly and slowly.
(Representative picture from open source).
#ChurchPlanters #GreatCommission #Training
So @mary was feeling a bit off last weekend I checked her blood pressure. It was dangerously high (175/110) compared to usual (119/70). After checking her the next day with no improvement, I took her to the ER. When she was admitted it was 193/120. They looked for problems(none), gave her some meds, and she is now back to normal a week later. Our sitter had something similar happen, and also Heidi's therapist. All in the last 3 weeks with no other symptoms. Anyone else seeing anything like this?
Anchored In Faith - Repost
@Kruselady Thanks for the comment and appreciation. Sorry for not informing that the picture is not ours. It is taken from open source, to hide our identity and location.
We do ministry in 10/40 window Nations, where persecution is severe, our activities are constantly monitored by anti-Christian groups.
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Kruselady @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @richardafaherty @Williams_girl @tanjaostman @daniel @bruster75
We are well..much work in th field. Pacing ourselves well...King Jesus is being glorified!
God bless You so!
Project Pray
Video: We are seeing pockets of revival...Keep Praying! JOIN Us in ABQ, NM @ New Life COG on Aztec 10am-9pm May 15-19 Jesus asked, “Could you not watch and pray with me for 1 hour?” If just 3 people come from each church 6,000 will be praying
Project Pray
Video: We are seeing pockets of revival...Keep Praying!
That's quite similar to what one of our team members told us; when we asked about his Motorcycle tires.
In the second picture you can see the big cuts (actual picture) and holes. Some soul winners travel upto 300 kilometers / 186 miles every day. Some travel that on a weekly basis.
On one side people who are persecuting us on the other side a big crowd waiting for us, just as described in Mattew 9 : 35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Thank you #BTJ for the funds.
The Servant King (Part 4) - Repost From CMM Member Chaim Malespin! We stand with Israel and the Word of God!