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My trip to Africa has been delayed and I have been livid. The delay changed all of my plans and cost extra money - BUT! Then today - I had a divine meeting that was NOT planned with a team of Chinese serving in the Middle East that I have not seen in years. Our travel paths crossed for only a moment and now sooooo many opportunities have opened up because of that one.single.meeting.
Not my plans - but Gods
HOWEVER - it would be cool if He at least gave me a heads up. ????

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Sinobach boosted

anybody remember the "security" expert with πŸ˜‚ more than a life time of experience in military intelligence saying Ukraine was done, put a fork in it?"
Well it's been more than a month and the Ukrainians are STILL holding the line. They have humiliated the Russian military AND now even started to strike targets in Russia.

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@faith20 Dear brother, my husband and I pray for you and your wife. May God's perfect will happen in your lives and give you strenght to follow Him however and wherever He leads you! πŸ™πŸ’–

BTJ Director packing up aid for Ukraine.
100% of everything that has been donated for Ukraine through BTJ GOES to Ukraine.

I agree! anywhere I go - I need accompaniment.

wow! that was a massive turn around for Milo.
Wait till they ask him about homosexuals adopting children.
His answer is nowhere NEAR PC.

For all those wondering - I am officially locked out of my FB account until I comply.
For those that know me and my compliance record - ummmm....I might not be on FB again for a very long time.

....ahhh.....I am so old that I still remember way back during the last millennium, before there was email, facebook. whatsapp, or twitter we used this old antiquated system to communicate with one another.

Sinobach boosted

Our baptism tank is almost ready in that new secret location. Public functions are dangerous than before.

Sinobach boosted

Traveling to a location where the House Church Elder 'confiscated ' Bibles from families who kept more than 1 copy and gave to families without any!
Of course they have New Testament, however Lockdown for 2 years forced the local house churches to have a closer walk with Jesus.
Travel with us through prayer.

Sinobach boosted

I received 4 copies and the first goes to my favorite gal- my sweet Mom!!!

so many new users on DD. what's up? LOVE IT

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