A Brief Pause with Andy B, 25.05.2022
Psalm 23 v 3
He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths, bringing honour to his name.
Andy B
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 23.05.2022
Psalm 23 v 1
The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need.
Andy B
#abriefpause #justsaying #justathought #p4t #wordsofwisdom #pauseforthought #dailymotivation #BerryBunchFamilyFive
It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.
For more, --> https://www.berrybunch.family/a-brief-pause-with-andy-b-23-05-2022/
#TestimonyTuesday: A Miracle Home
This testimony is a miracle involving finding a new home, in really difficult situations and with limited time. Once again we saw God provide a miracle home for our family, just in time.
A Miracle Home
My family and I knew we would have to move out of the property we were renting. At the start of the tenancy, we were informed by the Estate Agency that the landlord wanted to take the property back to holiday letting.
Fortunately, I was headhunted for a new job which gave us the opportunity of moving out of this property before we were given the boot! Just one small detail we needed to find somewhere else to live! [READ MORE]
For the rest of this testimony --> https://www.berrybunch.family/testimonytuesday-a-miracle-home/
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 17.05.2022
"God values our time more than anything else we can give up to Him. Because our time is governed by our heart, and our heart is what God treasures most of all."
Andy B
Since I joined DingDash I've had the privilege of meeting people from all round the world. We're made friends with people from Scotland, Poland, Finland, Nigeria the US, Canada and more places than I can think of right now - even Bradford, England 😉
I've been honoured to stand in prayer with new [to me] brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, mums and dads
Its been an bonkur so far 🙂
And then I get to meet someone like @Olamide who is now a best friend. We've never met, and yet we've shared so much of lifes ups and downs
Awesome doesn't come close!
And THAT is the [good] power of the internet; of social media; of DingDash; of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - bringing people together who otherwise wouldn't
Blessings y'all from our little corner of God's planet
@sinbach @bethany @tymektt @tanjaostman @MaryMamuzich @Kruselady @Cherishingsparrows2020 and so many more than I'd ever have room for here in 1,000 characters.
Am feeling especially blessed by my DingDash family today
That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Matthew 6 v 25
Andy B
#abriefpause #justsaying #justathought #p4t #wordsofwisdom #pauseforthought #dailymotivation #berrybunchfamilyfive
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 12.05.2022
“We never know what the seeds we plant will do. All we can do is sow as best we can – wherever we believe the Lord is calling us to sow!!”
Andy B
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 11.05.2021
“Never Give Up, Never Surrender (Galaxy Quest) or 2 Corinthians 4:16-18”
Andy B
Another day is upon us here for the Berry Bunch.
I ordered our branded t-shirts (we had a miracle gift) on Thursday, so looking forward to those once they're ready. But, today, is our first day filming with our brand new fancy camera (another miracle gift) and extra studio lighting (another answer to prayer as I got a brand new set half price).
I've also found some really good logo stings. If you don't know what they are, I've added one here.
Andy B
Morning all, from an overcast UK.
Made Jo a flask of coffee for when she gets to work. And a second flask of soup for her lunch.
I've said goodbye to Jo for another day and the washing is on the line. Dishwasher ready for emptying and then I crack on with another day of editing.
God is good.
Andy B
So many things to post today!
We've been back to our usual schedule and creating more resources that you can use in your situation, whether they inspire you, or you simply download them and use them as they are.
Sunday PLUS, Proverbs 2 starts from 5pm. It's via Zoom, with a link/password on our website.
Super friendly for families and all alike!! Featuring Andy B and Jo Jo, Peter and Dave the Dog as we delve into the wisdom that comes from the book of Proverbs.
The BerryBunch
Sunday PLUS, S01E002
Dave the Dog joins Jo Jo in the studio and, well, mostly together, they help Andy B take a look at the second chapter of Proverbs, which is rammed full of wisdom.
Dave the Dog comes to realise that using a permanent marker on his friend's head is not using much in the way of wisdom - at least he gets there in the end!
The BerryBunch
Sunday PLUS happens around the world at 5pm (UK time). We'll publish the video at 8pm the same day.
#berrybunchfamilyfive #DavetheDog #wisdom #proverbs #Solomon #SundayPLUS
A pair of lovely goldfinches are busily building a nest just outside one of our windows. These are two ridiculously pretty little birds with perfectly defined bands of golden yellow and glorious red!
What a joy to see them beavering away looking as beautiful as God intended them to look, building their nest, with not a care in the world - even the wind we have today is blowing them all over the place, and yet they sit on a small branch, steady as a rock. What a reminder to be peaceful amongst the winds of life.
It reminds me of Matthew 6:26-34 (NLT)
Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?...and so much more heavenly wisdom
Andy B
#berrybunchfamilyfive #goldfinch #nesting #nature #beauty #creation #nest #earthday
Listening to a spot of Magnum nice and loud after my usual, extremely pleasant, cycle to the coast - to blow away the cobwebs, and loosen my back muscles after several days glued to my computer compressing all of the 450 videos we've so far created for BerryBunch
Compression has finished. Uploading to our cloud storage is done. And I've started the longer process of adding them all to Vimeo for ad free viewing!
Done quite bit of editing to my next book too since I've had none of the usual video editing to do this week.
Time for a very late breakfast, since it's now 12:30 in the afternoon!
Andy B
I've been working hard at editing my second book - yesterday and today. So I'm off for a cycle for some shopping, before coming back home and jumping at it again. I need to stretch my legs and a good hard cycle should fix that particular problem! Also, we have nothing for dinner tonight = quite the motivator!
This one I'm working on right now should, God willing, be out some time in May if things go well, or June if they don't (it's good having a goal to aim for!). I'll run some teasers with the name and cover at some point after Easter.
And, then, I can start work on the other two books I have sitting waiting to be edited, plus a second volume of the one I'm currently working on today (mostly written and awaiting time for editing), and then one on Marriage too (taken from the episodes of our podcast - Marriage Matters).
Andy B
(photo is from the other day, with jo)
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch