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Our hoover broke not long after moving. Finally hoovered the stairs, skirting, floor edges. Lots of elbow grease with the Hoover's extension hose and a brush!!

Was gonna cycle later. Pretty sure this counts as I tend to go for it quite a bit...

How y'all doing today, Friday?

Currently beautiful blue skies and a gentle breeze with plenty of sun, so I'm about to get a second load of washing on my line. That always makes me very happy 😊😁☀️

Wondering how long before we're told that's bad for the environment too - as it adds excess moisture into the air lol

Andy B

Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.
- Saint Patrick

My second proof came today. First proof was too big a book, with too small a font size!

Just one edit to make (to the spine) and it's good to go.

It'll be published a week tomorrow (Friday 25th March 2022)

Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Keep Going, (There's a picture of first ever book in this video too 😎 )

There is so much in life that can drag us down and make us give up. But, there is much reason to keep going!

Andy B started a project in September 2021 – writing a book. This is a project a friend had asked him to undertake. And it’s quite a rapid turn around.

But there are so many things that Andy B never got to do.
We all have dreams, hopes and ambitions. And they all can be decimated, or perhaps just deflected.

But God has plans for us as His children. And those plans are to prosper us.

So, if you’ve been putting off something you know God has placed on your heart, and you have a hundred reasons why you couldn’t follow through, or perhaps just the one reason – pick up again and just Keep Going!

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

@KarlGessler there's a good interview between Bill Johnson and Dr. Michal Brown - on Ask Dr Brown's website

it was good!

the problem with criticising is heightened when the people doing the criticising don't have first hand experience

i found your video on bethel brilliant!

Andy B

Prayers are needed as this woman's testimony is changing lives!

Date afternoonsies today 🙂

Jo is working from home this morning. So I'll take her to her office this afternoon and I'll do some shopping. And we get a little time together.

Andy B

@daniel I did, and loved it. (I didn't go to university afterwards though).

It's a unique moment that I'm so glad I too advantage of. You don't really get a second chance to do something like that.

It shaped me in all sorts of ways!

I went for a free one, working for the PAIS Project (it was a few towns in the UK when I did it - now it's properly international).

I did schools and youth work for 12 months.

A brilliant, life defining year.

Andy B

Ireland, get ready! Revival is coming for you! 🔥🇮🇪🔥

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Pretty Drains and Plungers, Season 4, Episode 48

Bathrooms can be hard to make look both pretty and functional. The pipes that make it all function can appear pretty ugly, so it’s become a trend to box pipes in.

However, this comes with a cost. Whether it is the shower body behind lovely looking tiles, a toilet cistern placed behind a wall, or pipes concreted into a floor, it’s tempting to hide these things away, but the cost comes when something breaks.

Tradespeople, especially plumbers, will tell you that pretty isn’t so pretty when something simple breaks, and you’ve got to tear down a wall to get to a part that takes a few seconds to replace, and a few days rebuilding a wall!

Just a thought…

Andy B

For the rest of the post, a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

60 Second Update Issue 6

In Case You Missed It
60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos and resources - or exciting events we've got coming up.

Andy B 2 Minute videos
From Resting is proactive to we all need a friend, we’ve got plenty of Andy B 2 Minute Videos to get your brain working, and wondering - just a thought…

Marriage Matters, Season 1, Episode 7: ‘The Dating Game’
Andy and Jo talk all things dating, the good and the bad and as always share their experience and gems from the bible about this so called ‘Dating Game’.

A weekly post, on a Tuesday, with a testimony of God’s goodness, and how He is alive and working today.

Endurance, Season 4, Episode 2: “God opposes the proud”
Steven and Nathan were back again in this new Season of Endurance. This time, we looked at how God opposes the proud.

Lots more coming up in the next 7 days too!

The BerryBunch

Andy B 2 Minute Video, That Sinking Feeling, Part II?

Sometimes whatever we’re trying to fix is simply beyond repair. And sometimes we simply need to fit a replacement part to make it all happy once more.

Mercifully God never looks at us beyond repair, and is always willing to help us become more like Jesus Christ.

But, are we willing to take the time and invest in a long term fix? Or do we prefer the quick fix, even if we know that fix isn’t going to last?

We can have a ‘get-you-home’ mentality, and that can be great. But, we even if that quick fix can get us home, we still need a proper repair.

And, are willing to let God invest our time to make that happen?

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

@tanjaostman £1.80/litre diesel in the UK. They're expecting £3.00/litre within 6 months

Hey there!
Wake up.
We are not going back to "just how it was before covid".
Wake up.
Time to shine.

@danielgray you're very much more than welcome

so thrilled for you for the birth of your son

the consultant, and my GP, both said I was about 20 years too young to be suffering as I am.

but it is what it is!

Andy B

Endurance, Going Equipped, Season 4, Episode 3

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Explore with us what it means to be prepared for what God may call us into, in this our third episode of season four - Going equipped.

Andy B unpacks this week’s theme, “Going Equipped”, by providing real-life examples and consequences for being prepared or not being prepared.

These examples include real stories involving military logistics, scouting and the Vulcan.


For the rest of this post, and a full transcript visit our website -->

Steven and Nathan talk about the way we equip ourselves when we exercise; to go running, we get trainers, a bottle, and perhaps high visibility clothing, whereas, to go climbing, we require different equipment.

The BerryBunch

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