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Hello Andy, Once again, praising the Lord for bringing this book to completion and for His Glory!!! It is no coincidence that you have written this book for the hour in which we live! In response to your message, may I remind you of what you already know well, that the Lord gave you the rich life experience as well as the words and the vision for this book to reach, encourage, strengthen and transform many hearts and souls with the Hope of Glory that is found only in Christ Jesus our Lord! And so, I pray for the Holy Spirit to prepare the minds and hearts of those whom He will reach through this book. I pray that it will have exponential outreach in transforming souls for the Kingdom of God. We don't need large selling numbers (I hope you agree) we need transformed hearts and lives, one by one, beginning with us.

Congratulations once again on the book's completion! I am excited for how the Lord will use it to transform many hearts and bring glory to His name!!!

@Susan Hiya Susan, I was reading your comment, game back to it, and it had was one about praying for my book...

@Susan thanks so much. I'll be honest, I'm feeling super excited and super worried all at the same time - will anybody buy it, or like, or read it?

So thrilled to have done this, and got this far. It's definitely something new I've done!!

Https:// is the best place

These are wise words on the reason why we pray - from my good friend Andy Brown, and his brilliant book "A Journey With Jesus - 40 Day Devotional".

A great way to make sure I don't jump too fast into a busy day is to take some time out, first! Wisdom I learned a long time ago - because the busiest days need gaps for air!!!

Andy B

I saw that earlier too... interesting how those citing free speech and inclusivity are the most bigoted and least accepting of someone else's beliefs

Andy B

So I did a thing !

I clicked the publish button for my first book...which means the eBook will be available for pre-order within the next 72 hours.

Both the paperback version, and eBook version, will be published - on Amazon from Friday 25th March.

Feeling both nervous and excited for my new little baby - Broken Dreams, and Hope!

Andy B

I read this quote by Vlad Savshuk randomly on YouTube and thought it was very good:

"A person can be affected by the power of God (resulting in amazing experiences), but not surrendered to the power of God, which results in a changed life. King Saul is a perfect example of that."

@Berrybunchfamily @sinbach I was there in 1982 It was probably a SeaHarrier jet from either 800 sqn or 801 seems so long ago now I was 21 aboard Hms Hermes

A picture of Finnish soldiers on skis, with Russian soldiers that are captives, during the Winter War (WWII). @sinbach told about these swift soldiers on skis, on a BTJ podcast episode. He's not the only one who has compared the war in Ukraine, with the Finnish Winter War. Stalin believed Finland would be overtaken in less than 2 weeks, but Finland showed unexpected resitance (just like Ukraine). We stayed independent.

Endurance: Down But Not Out

Explore with us what it means to be down but not out, in this our fourth episode of season four - Down, But Not Out

Andy B opens up this week’s theme, “Down, But Not Out”, by first reminding us of the fact that everyone has had an experience of being down, but not out.

He unpacks this week’s Scripture verses, Matthew 11:28-30, by explaining what a yoke is in the context of these verses and further explaining its value, as in how oxen are trained using a yoke. In addition, he provides real-life examples of people learning vital skills using the same idea as that of a yoke.

Steven and Nathan discuss being ‘Down, But Not Out’. They share a useful three-step plan for dealing with unexpected problems, with Nathan ‘helpfully’ providing some synonymous idioms. [READ MORE]

For the rest of this post, a full transcript and an audio version, visit our website -

The BerryBunch

Marriage Matters, Highs and Lows, 25th Anniversary Special, Season 1, Episode 9

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about the highs and lows of their own marriage after 25 years.

As always, Andy B steers the episode with scripture, when Jesus spoke about his yoke being easy and his burden being light. Perhaps an unusual choice, but Andy B links this to couples and the need for them to stick together:

- Matthew 11:28-30

Andy B and Jo take us on a journey through the seasons of marriage, for example the honeymoon period, setting up home, having children and different jobs and places that affect our lives together, bringing us our ups and downs or as Andy B and Jo prefer to say – ‘Highs & Lows’.

Join Andy B & Jo and reflect on your own highs and lows and how you can stick together through them.

Andy and Jo

For a full transcript, listen to the podcast or watch the video, visit our website –

@sinbach 😂

Let me try another way.

In the Falklands, not long after the British had retaken the islands, a journalist got annoyed at a plane flying low overhead and the very loud noise it made - interrupting his interview with an islander.

He asked, pointedly, how badly that noise annoyed the woman.

She simply replied that that noise was the sound of freedom!

If we don't exercise our freedom, we lose it - even if it still stays legal.

I always think of syntax as a computer term...shows how English I am 🤣

Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Dusting, Cleaning and Resting, Season 4, Episode 50

Today is a good day! We’ve got two loads of washing on our washing line blowing in the gentle breeze and sun. As a stat at home dad, this makes Andy B very happy!

Inside the home, the hoover has been finally repaired and the carpets have been thoroughly gone over. As has the stairs, and lots of dusting has happened too.

In our homes, and in our Spiritual lives we need lots of maintenance. Dirt and dust appear no matter what we do, especially if you use a wood burning stove a lot!

In our walks with Jesus Christ dirt and dust constantly appears too, blocking our ability to see God, and who He is. [READ MORE]

For the rest of this post, a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

@sinbach freedom without action to enjoy that freedom just isn't freedom at all...

@sarikorpi lol

Yep. God made cows. To eat and pooh. It's all a part of creation.

Although I now want a beef burger!!

@Cherishingsparrows2020 amen my sister. amen!! And you're very welcome.

Sitting here marking some work from one of my boy's home education books, with birds chirping in the tiny orchard outside the window.

Yes, indeed, we need to apprrciate and celebrate the details of God's handiwork.

Totally with you on enjoying the things we can like drying washing on a line!

I'm very conscious tha not everybody can enjoy that.

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily Spring is arriving and it is so very welcome. It's wonderful to enjoy the "little things" in life, such as hanging your clean laundry. There is so much going on in the world today that can dishearten us or cause us to fear. In this world, we will face trouble, but JESUS has overcome the world. He's already done it. It's not that He might do it, or even that He will do it eventually. He HAS done it. Resurrection Sunday is coming soon, but we can already celebrate His victory that is now ours. We can enjoy the good gifts He gives us. I believe He wants us to enjoy the sunrise, the sunset, a job well-done, a smile or hug from a loved one, a greeting from a stranger, or whatever goodness He sends our way. He knows there are difficulties to face, but our seeing His hand in the small details of life helps to put these trials in perspective. He is so worthy of our praise and our worship. Thank you for sharing these joys from your day!

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