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We're back - well we never left DingDash, but the are back following our house move! It makes sense, really...

The Recording Studio Mk. 3.0 is up and running (although we need to tweak the audio a little) and we've started recording new material again. And we need to find some rugs!!!

Anyway, we've got a 60 second update video coming REALLY soon, and an Andy B 2 Minute Video all about Beards and Spiritual Growth...yes, really!!

Our house move went really well, and we're loving the space of the new place, especially the room we now have as our studio, and the amount of room we have in our studio - we're no longer squishing into such a tiny space, and don't need to practice our gymnastics just to move around!!

Win win

The BerryBunch

first BerryBunch recording done. no gymnastics from the team as we move around the studio, and we've made some big changes to how we actually set up the studio, which is great and will, God willing, save much time.


Did i mention we've moved house and are loving the new place...........a place to breathe, and without leaving the house I can easily manage 4,500 steps a day......

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily @Cherishingsparrows2020 praying you all adjust easily to your new schedule and house...and new surroundings.

@MaryMamuzich thank you. She seemed pretty chilled when she left - other than forgetting her personal mobile phone lol which she left at home

how's the coivd recovery going for you three?

Andy B

@Cherishingsparrows2020 God never seems to lead us to doing things by half measures!!

I'm glad, actually, as it forces us to make lots of changes. Change can be very good!!

It's been really hard to simply stop getting up at 10am, and going to bed past midnight, so we can all be a family as much as possible around Jo's working rhythm.

But God is good!!

Today we all were up by 0730. Even me - since I went on a range of medication after my heart issue, it's been really hard waking up and starting the day.

I didn't exactly jump out of bed, but there also wasn't my usual heavy grogginess I've struggled with this morning - Praise God!!

Andy B

Haven't seen pre 8am for a good while now...time for something new to begin! Jo's off to her new job, while me and the boys finish a few bits in the house. Home ed restarts for us through the week too.

All change as we all move from a late shift to an earlier one!

Andy B

Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men!

Psalms 31:19 NKJV

This week, the Afghani Islamic leadership sent out elite troops known as Haqqani on a 'search and destroy' mission to kill any Christian leaders they could find.
Believers remain in hiding, and desperately need our prayers.

Our hot water making machine is keeping us warm. Night time there was electricity with proper voltage to recharge our phones. Parked our vehicle inside a walled campus and visiting places in Motorcycles. Comparitively good village roads.

Heard encouraging stories, how previous teams blessed these tiny churches through various training they imparted.
One young lady had a dream , in which she saw herself acquiring a new skill through the visiting team. Now she uses that income generation skill to support her family and local house church.

Thanks for praying.

If you were wanting to hear the podcast I was invited to speak on, you can check it out via this link - with @KarlGessler and his podcast, The Faith of the Father's.

We talk about being a dad, struggles in my childhood and God's goodness through it all.

Andy B

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