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@tanjaostman @sinbach I've blocked loads of people

I see it like social media is my lounge...would I want that person or attitude in my home? No? Ban em! simples

Well done Tanja!!

Andy B

I just a moment ago received a forwarded message in Finnish from Christians in Ukraine. I made my own translation of it to English (as best as I could) to post it also here:

An urgent message from
Vitaly Orlov

Sumy's Christian church's
Verkhovna Rada, Kiev

Beloved friends, brothers and sisters from all over the world.

We appeal to you in this dark time for all of us, when the black clouds of bombs cover the sun over our capital city.

This night the elite specialforces of the Russian federation together with Tsetsenian units attacks one of the world's oldest (from 400 A.C) and most beautiful cities, the spiritual capital of East-Europe - Kiev🇺🇦.

At this moment there are streetfights going on in Kiev. Everyone who are able to hold a gun in their hands; even senior citizens, students and pupils, have raised up to defend the city.


Marriage Matters, Date Night, Season 1, Episode 6


Andy B and Jo wax lyrical about the benefits of the having Date Night in our marriages. A Date Night, as far as Jo and Andy are concerned, is a designated, planned, quality time with your spouse where spontaneity does not have to go out the window!

In fact, Date Night, in Jo and Andy’s experience can be Date Day, Date Lunch or Date Drive! Anytime, any place when you spend time together as a couple is a kind of ‘Date Night’ or a variation on this theme and what you do with that time is totally up to you!

Andy & Jo encourage us to be creative with our Date Nights; going out or staying in for meals together, playing games, watching films, doing stuff we enjoy!

Andy and Jo

For a full transcript, listen to the podcast or watch the video, visit our website –

@DevotionalTreasures sorry to hear this Alan

praying for some peace, some sleep, some nourishing rest in His arms!

Andy B

‘Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
— Isaiah 41:10
From last night I have been hit with a spell of major fatique, which hasn't happened fir a while. I am running on empty. My writing may not be up to standard, but I will keep leaning on Him.

@bethany some much needed words of encouragement, and a reminder of true peace! thanks bethany

Andy B

"At present the nations are heavily armed and are inventing weapons more and more terrible, as if the chief end of man could only be answered by destroying myriads of his fellows. Yet peace will prevail one day.

How will this come about? By trade? By civilization? By arbitration? Peace will be established only by the reign of the Prince of Peace. He must teach the people by His Spirit, renew their hearts by His grace, and reign over them by His supreme power, and then will they cease to wound and kill.

Man is a monster and only the Lord Jesus can turn a lion into a lamb. By changing man’s heart, his bloodthirsty passions are removed. Pray that the Giver of Peace would speedily put an end to war and establish concord over the whole world.”
- Charles Spurgeon (1887)

Andy B 2 Minute Video, It was working last time! S4, E35

Instructions manuals – they tell us so much, about so many things. Most of which, of course, we ignore because, well, we don’t need those functions.

Until we do.

Then we wonder where the manual went, or spend endless amounts of time finding out which set of numbers is the model number, so we can find a manual online. Only to find that still isn’t the model number, until we find the actual appliance we have, realise our model number was correct, so why did the website not know about the very thing we’re starting at, right now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

@tymektt the ignorance of the British people, and their comments in response to the live video by Boris Johnson as he speaks the Houses Of Parliament is sickening to me

I'm glad the UK government is doing something. I'm glad they sent [limited] numbers of anti-tank, anti-aircraft weapons. I'm glad they say that there is much more they will do.

But this feels like a few grains of sand against the sand on a beach.

Praying on for this situation. But it says much that the western powers are trying to hurt Russia's economy only.

I'm not suggesting we try and obliterate them either! But it saddens me that our greatest response has been financial, as if that is the only thing that matters.

Andy B

Please pray for our Ukrainian friends 🇺🇦 💔
- for safe passage of war refugees
- for provision in fuel and food
- for supernatural protection of kids
- for the wisdom of those in charge
- for strength and courage

The People's Convoy is rolling! Pray for the USA and support in any way you can! Make sure to read my recent post if you haven't got a chance to yet! Let freedom ring! 😄❤🙌🇺🇸

Let us pray for Ukraine and for Europe.

so it happened... Russia is invading Ukraine, please pray.

Andy B 2 Minute Video, No Ball Games, Guest Episode, S4, E34

Jo saw a sign that stated “No Ball Games”. And, she thought, well that doesn’t sound like much fun.

So, she has become our first guest for an Andy B 2 Minute Video.

Jo takes us through what the sign can mean, whether it means anything, and how it can make us feel!

So, have you seen any signs that seem to have the goal of spoiling simple fun?

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

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60 Second Update, Issue 3

60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos and resources - or exciting events we've got coming up.

The BerryBunch

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Today, I've done lots of editing, filmed and scheduled another Andy B 2 Minute Video (out tomorrow evening), cleaned the shower room, cleaned the kitchen sink and cleaned and the glass on the log burner...I'm not sure it's been done for a very long while, and it needs another couple of goes to get it properly clean.

But, for the first time since we moved in a month ago, we can actually see the fire when it is burning!!

Andy B

Hey up DingDash family. How y'all doing?

England is a tad gusty where we live.

We've been busy getting back into videos this week, with a 60 Second Update coming back today, and we've got a brand new series of Endurance with @StevenBerry and @TakeN this Sunday from 4pm, another Marriage Matters episode on Saturday, from 4pm - where Jo and I look at Date Night.

Dave the Dog is wanting to do more, but we're frying to figure out the best of working with him - he needs some more house training!

I'm currently working on another transcript, so you can watch the video, listen to the podcast version, or read the transcript of what is being said 😊 and all, as ever, for free.

Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Frustrations that shouldn’t be, S4, E33

Andy’s always been careful with mobiles phones (cell phones) and his current phone has - like so many before it - got a screen protector to protect the phone’s screen from scratches, chips or cracks.

But, ever since he added his current protector, it’s been on a little wonky. Sure, it’s been put on straight, but it just isn’t centred.

Which has irked him quite a bit!

Sometimes things can come along which simply annoy, when they really shouldn’t.

Andy’s been wanting to replace the screen protector ever since he first fitted it, and now he needs to, but is annoyed having to.

So, why do some frustrate us, when they really shouldn’t?

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

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