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@bethany it's a fab film

I stayed away from christian films like I did worship takes then CDs...they may be loved by some, but they did anything but worshipful in me!!

But the kendrick brothers films are something else. We've been collecting them over the years. We've got almost al of them now - not so easy in the UK!

War Room is awesome!

Our answered prayer wall (which really needs updating) was copied straight from the film

Andy B

@sinbach good lad for having that conversation...

while that kind of nonsensical opinion makes my skin crawl, what you've done there is to actually underpin the very essence of one of the things that the people in Ukraine are fighting for - the ability to hold a different opinion and the right to talk about it

like i said, good lad!!

that's a recorded conversation i'm not sure I could have done!

plus, I do truly hope this individual (i saw the thread of Facebook) meets the real Holy Spirit, though...'cos that kind of opinion is just nuts!!

Andy B

Why we do what we do (it’s kind of an update)

We’ve been working on what we stand for; who we are; what we do and why we do it.

We started, two years ago (2020), simply wanting to create an online, digital, resource – where material we had been creating and using in full-time children’s ministry, could be used to inspire others, or to simply resources others. It was meant to become something of a digital filing cabinet.

And we’ve done that!

At the time of writing these words, we have nearly 450 videos on our YouTube channel. These have been viewed many thousands of times, and many hundreds of minutes of being viewed. Which is a bit humbling!

For the rest of the post visit our website -->

Andy B and the BerryBunch

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Resting Is Proactive! Season 4, Episode 41

We love accomplishing things. Perhaps, like me, you use a digital To Do List. It is immensely satisfying clicking that little tick box, and having the satisfaction of having accomplished something else.

It can be addictive.

We can end up working so hard in order to have achieved something, that we miss out on the actual achieving!

We’re really good at being busy. The church excels at this, sadly. I think we sometimes feel that if we work really hard then, perhaps, God will love us more, or we’ll feel less guilty about something else.

And, yet, there is a pattern of working and resting that was set in stone by God, when He made the world in 6 days, resting on the 7th.

That cycle of working and resting is important! [READ MORE]

For the rest of this post, a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

"A NUMBER of Russians have left Russia over concerns about the rumoured declaration of martial law and the impact of crippling economic sanctions.

With scheduled flights out of the country suspended except for Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, many have turned their attention to the rail service operated between the Finnish capital of Helsinki and St. Petersburg by VR, the Finnish state-owned railway company."

Please, pray also for the Russian people! All Russians don't support Putin, and life is getting harder in Russia. But I'm afraid they won't feel very welcome in Finland, as hatred towards Russians increase all over the world. Some Finns hate Russians, because of what their forefathers did to our country. But ordinary people are never responsible for their government, or for what their ancestors did!

Today we had a meeting at my workingplace regarding our Russian and Ukrainian students and colleagues. We have zero tolerance for hate speech.

Spent a couple of weeks working on the vision for our online ministry, and this is our finished effort.

Andy B

Bit chilly this morning. We usually run the fire in the morning, but even more so today. The needle was touching 14 degrees...

Busy day of editing and transcribing ahead today, and we've finalised a vision for our online ministry, which we've been crafting for a couple of weeks - will share that properly at some point.

Did I mention we've created well over 400 videos - all on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram - since starting what was, originally, just gonna be a digital storage vault and resource centre. It's still that, but so much more now. Which is kind of cool!

Jo's left for work, with an extra coffee - in a flask - for her arrival. Older lads are having a well earned, slower start, today, but Peter is up and making us both some porridge.

Andy B

Endurance, Season 4, Episode 2, God Opposes the Proud.

In order to kickstart this week’s theme Andy B gives some real-life examples of inexperienced people thinking they know better than those with experience, reminding us of the downsides of being proud.

He provides reasons for why humility is such a good thing to reach for, and why pride and arrogance are not such good things to reach for.

He talks about truck drivers, fact-checkers, diesel engines, and more…

Nathan and Steven discuss the theme for this week – “God Opposes the Proud.” They point out that it’s a bad idea to be proud, and they discuss a couple of likely scenarios in which we can easily become proud. They also remind us that when we strive for humility we will be honoured.

For the rest of this post and a full transcript -->

The BerryBunch

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
-- Philippians 4:6

Let's keep our eyes on Jesus. HE is the Victor! There is so much brokeness in this world. I was driving to an appointment with a sister from my local fellowship and learned that someone had been shot near the intersection at the end of our block. After this appointment I'm supposed to visit an elderly lady who called me and is feeling suicidal. I did speak to her to let her know I plan to come soon and she assured me she will be there. Jesus is our only hope in this world!

Marriage Matters, The Dating Game, Season 1, Episode 7

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about dating - that period when we hang out with someone, do things together, get to know one another, that time before marriage….

As always, Andy B finds us some relevant bible verses to see what the bible says about dating and as Jo points out, it doesn’t say anything specifically about ‘The Dating Game’, but there are principles in the bible to be found:

1 Corinthians 7:1-9

As Andy B points out, the purpose of dating should be marriage, not to try out different partners. And both Andy B and JoJo together explore the issues around dating and the dangers, giving as usual some of their own experiences to help us get our heads around this stuff.

– The Dating Game

Andy and Jo

For a full transcript, listen to the podcast or watch the video, visit our website –

Friday, March 4, 2022

Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
—Joshua 1:9

My eyes are ever toward the Lord ,
For He shall pluck my feet

out of the net.

Psalms 25:15 NKJV

Meditate on the word "net". God has the power to take us out of the net, out of any net. Any network!

The whole world seems to be all embedded in the internet. It now seems that without the internet we can no longer live.

What will happen to the Church if the authorities decide to block the Internet for Christians?

Or how will Christians communicate without the internet if they are taken to places where it will not be possible to use the existing internet?

The Lord answered me with this verse. God has no limits. God has the power to get a message from one place to another even without the internet.

God is the almighty and he frees us from the net, from any net.

The president of Finland interviewed by Fox News last night, during his short visit to the USA. He's probably the president who has met Putin more than any other leader. They ask about Putin. Finnish politicians have learned to choose their words wisely when discussing Russia, and talking to Russian leaders. By meeting with the president of the United States, with the CIA, and two prominent Republican leaders as well, he is signaling very strongly that we are leaning towards the USA. But he doesn't want to talk openly about NATO, because he doesn't want to provoke Russia. The fact that the top leaders of USA have rescheduled to meet with our president on a short notice tells a lot of the seriousness. And our president is a trustworthy, experienced politician. Today the Swedish prime minister and defense minister will come to Finland to meet with our president. Please continue to pray for Ukraine and Russia but even for Finland and Sweden!
( @sinbach )

@Berrybunchfamily Amen! This has always been true, but is becoming more and more apparent in these days. During the earlier part of the pandemic especially, I would find myself becoming anxious. When I mediated on Scripture or listened to worship music, paying attention to the message of the lyrics, I physically felt the peace that passes all understanding chasing away the anxiety. God's Word is indeed the Truth that matters most!

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