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@KarlGessler or at least read many for something a less imbalanced's really hard seeing what our national news in the UK is saying..........really frustrating to see such nonsense! or fear evoking rubbish designed to get better ratings

and don't get me on "...but we have been unable to verify if this explosion was in Ukraine in the current crisis or not..."

news reporters - did they ever actually exist?

Andy B

@sinbach lol - shows how much I'm familiar with this set of films. i watched the onw where he got dizzy and ran up some steps...not a boxing fan, so it was kind of lost on me.

I'm more of an Arnie in Commando fan

This one's worth watching if only because I got a warning when I tried to share my post on my Facebook page lol ( I mentioned the 'C' word) which perfectly illustrated the point of this little video.

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Whose Truth Is It Anyway, Season 4, Episode 40

It’s easy to be bamboozled by people telling us their truth. And we’ve seen, during COVID, media sources confuse everybody by spreading their own opinions, while calling their opinions fact and, at the same time, deleting and blocking any, and all, comments that they simply didn’t like. The truth has been belittled to opinions, just shouted ever louder!

MSM means Main Stream Media – I had to look it up. And the trouble with MSM is that they do exactly the same thing as social media, only they do it while wearing business suits on our television sets.

For the rest of this post, a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

@sinbach well he couldn't have been English...they're always the bad guys in the films ;-)

unless they're the really bad guys in which case they're either Welsh or Scottish 😂 😜

For in the day of trouble he will keep me secretly in his pavilion: In the covert of his tabernacle will he hide me; He will lift me up upon a rock.
Psalms 27:5 ASV

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, remember well these two verbs present in this verse:

1) to keep
2) to hide

God has the power to keep and hide his children redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.

For in the day of trouble
he will keep YOU secretly
in his pavilion:

In the covert of his tabernacle
will he hide YOU;

He will lift YOU up upon a rock.

This is a promise to those
who feel in danger!

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Chairs and Individuality, Season 4, Episode 39

We all like to think we’re special and unique. And, in many ways, we truly are.
But, we’re gonna have issues when we think that our specific uniqueness is somehow superior to that of someone else.

You may not be in to Star Trek. But, whether you are not, there is a fascinating point worth noting from the Mission Statement of the United Federation of Planets, of which earth is a part (that only Captain Kirk ever seems to be able to save!). And that, in really bad paraphrase, is that no culture will force another culture to be like them – cultural differences will be, essentially, accepted as they are.

For the rest of this post, a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

@daniel there aren't that many bands that actually sound like where they come from

the Proclaimers certainly do!! lol

In this episode @sinbach talks about the war and the refugee crises in Europe. I feel honoured and touched that he makes comparisons with, and tell about, the Finnish Winter War during WWII against the Russian army. ❤️ 🙏 There are few that can place Finland (and many other foreign countries) on a map, and Eugene knows not only where the countries are, but also have visited them and knows a lot of details about them.

Please pray for Finland and Sweden, for protection! I don't know what could possibly happen, but these days are traumatic/emotional for Finns, both because of the former wars against Russia, and because of the indirect threaths Putin has uttered.

Please pray for our president Sauli Niinistö that will leave for the USA tomorrow for an appointment with Joe Biden! (I shared a statement from our president in an earlier post today). As you might know Finland and Sweden are among the few nations in Europe that are not members of NATO.

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Closed Isn’t Necessarily Shut! Season 4, Episode 38

It’s easy to shut a door, or close a window, without it actually working.

My grandfather once, because he was so busy concentrating on leaving for a holiday, actually was in a taxi, being driven to the airport, when he realised he had lost his keys. When the taxi had popped back for him, he found the keys! They were in the front door, with the door wide open.

It’s easy to think we’ve done something we haven’t.

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

60 Second Update, Issue 4

60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos and resources - or exciting events we've got coming up.

In Case You Missed It:
Andy B 2 Minute Videos, Marriage Matters, Endurance

And Coming Up:
Marriage Matters - Date Night, Endurance - God Opposes The Proud and more Andy B videos

And another

The BerryBunch

This was posted on Facebook by the ministry 8thirty8:
"Dear friends, as we pray for Ukraine, let's also lift up our brothers and sisters in Russia. We received this update from a Russian friend this week."
"Please remember to pray for us here in Russia too! We are broken and hurting. But there are many believers here. We are continuing to preach the gospel and comfort people and encourage them to look to God! We have to look at God and go through this fiery furnace. Please pray for us believers in Russia who are trying to change our country from the inside out. One person at a time. We will preach the Gospel and God's love!" Message clipped. I didn't post the prayer from 8thirty8 due to space constraint.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 i've set it up and scheduled it for next Tuesday, from 2pm (UK time)

many thanks

andy b

@Cherishingsparrows2020 i love how you came up with the name.

I just want to attribute testimonies to a real person (or at least a first name as much as possible) so it is not just some random story, but a personal account!

that's the plan anyway.

i've scheduled that testimony - it'll got out next Tuesday.

thanks so much

and if you have any more you want to share, please DM me

i get the FB issue....yes, caution is worth maintaining!

@Cherishingsparrows2020 As daft as it sounds, could i have your first name to put next to the testimony on our blog post?

i don't actually know it...


andy b

But it is good for me to draw near to God;
I have put my trust in the Lord God,
that I may declare all Your works.

Psalms 73:28 NKJV

@Berrybunchfamily I do have testimonies! I will love to share sometime🙂
Tonight I have a testimony to share, but it's not my own. My husband's cousin lived with us over a period of several years and then married a year ago this past December. She and her husband maintain a close relationship with is and join is for our evening meal (do you call it dinner or supper?🙂) most Wednesdays. Two of her brothers have been living in Kiev, Ukraine. They had no money to leave. They are young men and men were not being allowed to leave. They are Ghanaian and apparently black people were not being allowed to leave. God worked several miracles and they are now in Poland! This was truly a miraculous escape. Maybe it was a compassionate police officer, or was it an angel who assisted them? One of these young men didn't even have his passport as it was out of the country for renewal.

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