@Berrybunchfamily That's a high compliment from an ex-trucker. Makes me proud! :)
Andy B Book launch update
2 Minutes a day can change your world and Just a Thought... does exactly that!
I've been working really hard trying to get everything finished for the launch of my next book - Just a thought...so I'm gonna skip a couple of my usual Andy B 2 Minute Videos this week.
These are exciting times for the BerryBunch: if you're missing out on a little Andy B daily logic, here's a little video I made all about the new book (below).
God willing, it'll be available to buy a week tomorrow - that'll be Friday 14th October, as a Paperback or eBook, on Amazon. I'm nearly ready to hit the publish button...............so close!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile, why not our brand new Check out our Council of Elrond page and see how we keep the BerryBunch.family Ministry running so well. We've got supporters all around the word, literally! Now you can meet a few of them who walk alongside us regularly.
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/andy-b-book-launch-update/
S05E024, Push or Pull? Andy B 2 Minute Video
Every day we have to make decision whether to push ahead or pull back. It can be as simple as whether we rush into the car park for our daily work, or taking our time to letting someone take our place in the supermarket queue, or jumping in between two people who are arguing.
From the simple to the complex, we have to make these decisions.
Earlier, I went out for a cycle and got caught in the rain. I tried sheltering behind a tree as the rain was more horizontal than vertical. But, it didn’t offer me enough protection.
Eventually I made the decision just to push on ahead home which was just 5 minutes or so further along the road I was on.
In my case I made the right call – it rained for a good 60 minutes after I had arrived home. Much longer standing in the rain and I could have started to get cold. [READ MORE]
Andy B
For more --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s05e024-push-or-pull-andy-b-2-minute-video/
How adaptable are we? Oh, and I’ve got a new book coming out
What struck me today is that I had an idea for a video. Actually, I had several. I didn’t run out of time. I did get focused on a different project. Because, you see, the proof copy for my next book arrived & I’m super excited about it. So much so that I decided to devote time to fixing a few minor alterations that needed to be made, and then to authorise creation of an eBook that will be offered as a choice for those that prefer it.
So, at long last, I’ve decided to use the spot at 6pm (UK time) that would normally be my Andy B 2 Minute Video, to tell you about our need to never to be so focused on something that we miss something else even more important. It’s easy to forget that we serve God, not ourselves. And that, my dear friends, requires a great deal of humility and willingness to be adaptable.
Which leads me nicely on to my next book project – called, cleverly, Just a thought…
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/how-adaptable-are-we-oh-and-ive-got-a-new-book-coming-out/
The Mobile Church Tour Day 2
@Berrybunchfamily It's true. They get rich and others have to strive to find a solution to move forward. But we believers are rich in Christ and we lack nothing.
I wonder if you catch yourself looking forwards, worrying about the future.
Well, this #TestimonyTuesday really speaks of why we should trust God with our future – because He cares for us, and every single detail of our lives!
Heating Help
In the Spring of 2022 the UK saw a dramatic, and quite scary rise in energy costs. There were warnings from many charities all about the risk to life – as people would have to choose between either heating or eating. It wasn’t long before this doubling of energy costs would happen again – from October 2022.
The British government would step in – at the very last minute – to help the most vulnerable, and offer some financial help, although it was really not enough with people also having to deal with rising fuel costs for cars and rising food costs also crippling the ability for many to buy food, heat their homes and get to work. [READ MORE]
Andy B
For the rest of this testimony --> https://www.berrybunch.family/testimonytuesday-heating-help/
S05E023, Splinters and Infections, Andy B 2 Minute Video
While cutting back some hedges I had a sudden, sharp, whack to my hand from a branch that had whipped towards me. Unfortunately, there was a thorn on said branch which banged into my hand. The remnants of a thorn were still stuck in my glove! so I got a good chance to examine the offending article – it looked complete, so I’m not overly worried right now about anything remaining in my finger.
However, having worked around wood for long enough, I also know not to do nothing!
It was a long time ago that the wife of a carpenter – who also happened to work in a pharmacy - gave me some great advice. As she pointed out herself, if her husband went to the doctor or hospital for every splinter he got, he’d never leave the place! [READ MORE]
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s05e023-splinters-and-infections-andy-b-2-minute-video/
Hello Ding-Dashers!
My family and I just finished a ministry tour here in America "Chasing Revival" @sinbach
We have over a dozen vlogs for you over the next 12-plus days. Episode one begins today!
Join us on our adventures in faith.
S02E010, Roles and Responsibilities, Part 1, Marriage Matters
In this episode of Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo look at who does what in our relationships – to putting the bin out, cleaning, cooking, staying at home, going out to work and more – not an exhaustive list!
Actually, as Andy and Jo discuss the issues and share their own stories, it happens again, they both realise that one episode on this subject will not do justice to working out roles and responsibilities in Marriage – another Part 2 is promised!
This week, Andy B is on the ball and slick with the scripture, well there was just the one!
The Meaty Section
Andy and Jo chew through some difficult topics and try and make sense of it all.
#RealTalk and #RealLife is just what we do! [READ MORE]
Andy and Jo
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s02e010-roles-and-responsibilities-part-1-marriage-matters/
This small lamp stood gathering dust in the corner of an old garage. With dusk fast approaching, for a brief moment, the sun, peering between a gap in the trees, cast its warm light upon this long unwanted article, as a ray of warmth and hope piercing despair and loneliness.
S05E022, The Power of Friends, Andy B 2 Minute Video
“You’ve got a friend in me” so the lyrics go from a song used in Toy Story. Wonder if you’re singing the rest of that song right now, or humming it and annoying your colleagues?
We are made to be with other people. God designed us to function in community – not isolation or solitude. He made us so we work best when we depend upon other people. That corporate effort is what can make the world sing, or scream. That depends on the other people…or does it? I’ll let you ponder that one on your own!
As a family we’ve been through all sorts of times in life, but while we have been forced to face some things alone, having people to support and help is always wonderful. [READ MORE]
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s05e022-the-power-of-friends-andy-b-2-minute-video/
S02E010, Marriage Matters – Coming Up, 01.10.2022, Roles and Responsibilities, Part 1
What's coming up in our next Marriage Matters Podcast?
In this episode of Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo look at who does what in our relationships – to putting the bin out, cleaning, cooking, staying at home, going out to work and more – not an exhaustive list!
Join us for Marriage Matters: Saturdays from 4pm
Andy and Jo
For more --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s02e010-marriage-matters-coming-up-01-10-2022-roles-and-responsibilities-part-1/
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 30.09.2022
Reminder – God’s in control. He has been all day long!
Andy B
It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.
#abriefpause #justsaying #justathought #p4t #wordsofwisdom #pauseforthought #dailymotivation #berrybunchfamilyfive
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/a-brief-pause-with-andy-b-30-09-2022/
"Europe prepares for a blackout of mobile networks"
S02E003, CD Fish, Art Time,
For art time, JoJo shows us how to make a fish using an old CD, but Dave thinks it looks like a chicken.
All you need is:
- 2 x Cups – paper, plastic, or polystyrene
- String – 2-3 metres
- Sticky tape
- Scissors
- Sharp pencil
Optional – paints, pens, pencils, stickers or other things to decorate the cups
Jo Jo
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s02e003-cd-fish-art-time/
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch