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Never water down the Word of God, but preach it in it's undiluted sternness.
Oswald Chambers

There is going to be a big push for Central Bank Digital Currencies(CBDC’s) across the world in the near future. When the push comes, resist it as hard as you can, because it's basically the end of humanity as a free species if it's widely adopted. Opt for cash or cryptocurrencies. Imagine your bank offering to exchange your money to CBDC’s along with some perks…shoot that down immediately. Not just, “No”, but, “Hell no!”. Vote out any politician who suggests otherwise.

As the people of Afghanistan deal with the devastation of the earthquake yesterday, our team is on the ground providing immediate emergency aid 🙏🏼

32 seconds faster on my cycle today.

Since I pretty much ran out of water, I'll take that as a win for me 😊

SO nearly broke my 40 minute barrier...............

Andy B

What is strange with this new transgender law is that all mainstream media is being totally silent about it and about how it was accepted yesterday in the parliament. One would think they would be jumping with joy and shouting out loud about it! But no, just silence. The only one talking about it is Christian parliament members, forwarding a list of the members who voted against it. 106 voted for it, 46 against, 1 voted empty and 46 was absent. I believe they don't want people to know what is happening behind the scenes.


After this law, will it still be possible in Finland to talk about the family freely without having problems with the law? I ask you because in Italy they would like to pass a law accusing all those who affirm the biblical family model of homophobia. I hope they will not pass such a law.

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 22.06.2022

Wishing doesn’t change what is.
It just robs us of our ability to enjoy what is.

Andy B

It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

This is a sad day for Finland. 😢 A transgender law was accepted today which allows men/female couples to have children as being the childs only parents. Also the definition of "mother" and "father" is going to change. A biological woman giving birth to a child can now be the father of the child. So crazy!!

If Italy is going through a punishment of God, so will be the case for Finland too. We are today stepping aside from God's blessings and shelter with this law that violates His standards and creation. 🥶😭 God have mercy on us!! 🙏

S04E085, Play the cards you’re dealt! Andy B 2 Minute Video

When you’re playing cards you can wish a better hand, as much as you like. But, at some point, you have to accept the cards you’ve been dealt.

And it is much the same in life. We can wish for a better car, a better job, a better house, a better retirement plan, better health. But wishing just pushes us deeper into a place of being sad and depressed.

Wishing doesn’t change what is. It just robs us of our ability to enjoy what is.

Rather than wishing away our lives, we need to accept what is. We don’t accept it as something that can never change, but we do need to begin to change from where we are at. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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@davereimer @faith20 @Berrybunchfamily May God provide for all His children. He sees and cares. May He also use you to bring hope to those in darkness living around you. May He give you peace as you trust in Him.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Berrybunchfamily

They say that in the last six months it has rained only 25 days. Normally in autumn and winter in Northern Italy it rains very often and even rivers break through.


Dear brother Andy,

I also think the same thing. Everything that is happening in Italy but also in other countries is a sign that some form of judgment is taking place.

Obviously these are not yet the judgments mentioned in the book of Revelation but history and humanity are going in the direction indicated by the end times prophecies. God's Word will be fully fulfilled as time passes. It has been a long time since my wife and I have been preparing to be to serve the Lord in these difficult times. God will give us strength.

God bless you.

Your brother Antonio

Italy 2022

In Italy they are about to ration gas and electricity due to the war in Ukraine and are about to ration drinking water in homes due to the drought.

Italy 2022

Drought - the Po is the largest river in Italy and is a navigable river. A few years ago I also sailed it with a motor ship to accompany my students on an outdoor excursion. Now everything has become a desert.

S04E084, Andy B 2 Minute Video, Good Struggles

Life can be full of struggles. Some can be good – like the effort needed to build muscle in a gym. The struggle feels good, because we can – possibly slowly – see a positive difference to our bodies. Some struggles can be bad – like grieving a loved one when we’re not ready to say goodbye to them, or having to live with life changing injuries from an accident that was not our fault.

In her book, Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom wonderfully illustrates how things that can at first appear truly awful, can be God’s blessings - which is why her sister was praising God for the fleas that attacked them where they slept in the middle of a concentration camp during World War II. If you want to know why that was such a blessing to them, you’ll need to read the book! [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 21.06.2022

"Church should be welcoming and comfortable, but not too comfortable.

Comfy seats are great, but comfy sermons are not!"

Andy B

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