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Jesus is doing incredible things - students being saved, set free, and set on fire for Christ!

7 have decided to follow Jesus and scores of others have made spiritual decisions to seek Jesus more deeply. Many have found freedom in Christ! Pray that even more find purpose in his mission in the days ahead!!!!

People of God in your prayers, please do remember the Christians in Northern Nigeria: Pray against the very evil spirit of radical Islam..pray for the Nigerian Government to act to stop the killings and abductions...pray that the International Community would work to stop it!
Pray for the protection of Christians in Nigeria.. pray for those who are suffering. Thank you!

As a parent, I know that it is difficult to see your child suffer. I have worked with the persecuted church for over 20 years and know how much harder it is for Christians to see the authorities come after their children than after themselves.
This is why we started the BTJ Martyr Scholarship fund.
I have two kids in college and I know the kind of unexplainable excitement a scholarship can bring to a family. One of my favorite things to do in life these days is to see the tuition of a child of a persecuted family get their tuition paid for!
Nothing Like it!

How North Korea deliberately starves its people. Starving makes the mind incapable of rational thought.

To my global family,
This message feels so urgent. I had a dream that I don't remember, only I was aware that I'd been shown an illustration of the scripture where the Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast, it's hidden but is doing its work. It CANNOT be undone! It WILL have its effect. When I awoke later, I was pondering the dream and immediately the scripture came to me, (Psalm 126:6) where the one who goes out weeping, carrying the precious seed of the Gospel will INDEED return with joy, carrying the sheaves of the harvest. The words CANNOT FAIL were strongly impressed upon my heart and mind. So, brothers and sisters, please be reminded that your labors in Christ are NOT in vain. This message was so emphatically impressed upon me that I feel there may be someone in particular who has invested so much and is wondering if it's making an impact. People are giving their lives and is it in vain? No. You CANNOT fail when you are sowing the precious seed of God's Word.

Good morning DD friends! How is your July going? Storms with hail in Poland.


*Herdsmen kidnapped her and demanded for 5,000,000 Naira, they finally agreed to collect 4,000,000 which they were given, BUT THEY STILL KILLED HER WITH AN UNBORN CHILD.*
*Let's pray along with the family of REV. ISHAKU at this very odd time.*

*Kindly share.*

@bethany 😢
I really don't know what to say...just giving everything to the Lord in prayer ..

Heavenly Father,
As the perfect Father help all fathers today in Jesus name Amen. a father has compassion on his children, Adonai...Ps. 103:13 CJB
...physical fathers who disciplined us and we respected them; how much more should we submit to our spiritual Father...He disciplines us in a way that provides genuine benefit to us and enables us to share in His holiness Heb. 12:9,10 CJB

Josh Mc Dowell research, Father factor
Fathers use big words preparing & developing a child's complex language; Mothers use simple words to help children understand
Father's rough play toughens & develops a child's muscles; Mothers cuddle and comfort hurt children restoring them to emotional balance.
Fathers prepare children to be overcomers in a sinful, cruel world helping them to reach their fullest potential as a person (to reach higher, go harder, be faster ). Mothers take the side of caution encouraging children to be careful, safe & dress appropriately.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @tanjaostman I left FB a long time ago. I only miss distant relatives posting... But all the rest of the drama is gone; the peace I found in DD is heavenly!

Heavenly Father,
We pray for the President of Malawi that the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge and the fear of God will rest on him mightily leading him into all truth. Help him be a help to his people as he lives by godly example honouring You. May the people live by Your Word. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen

Heavenly Father,
We pray the You will settle Haiti at this time overuling the need for foreign forces. Protect the people and assets of Haiti from the thief. Father overrule and raise up Your appointed leader as President who will begin the difficult journey to righteousness. Give the people of Haiti a genuine desire for Your Word and Your ways. This we ask in Jesus name. Amen

"In the cross is health, in the cross is life, in the cross is protection from enemies, in the cross is heavenly sweetness, in the cross strength of mind, in the cross joy of the Spirit, in the cross the height of virtue, in the cross perfection of holiness.

There is no health of the soul, no hope of eternal life, save in the cross".

Thomas Kempis, fifteenth-century theologian

@KarlGessler they are adding in sex education in the schools on how to masturbate. My daughter told me

11 July 2021

Please pray for;
1. Team members transitioning from currency and digital economy to materials and services or even bartering of goods.

2. Communication chaos between educated ones and Oral communities to end.

3. Father Heart of God to replace our selfish fleshly hearts.

4. The eyes of the educated may open. Mostly non literate are responding to the love of the Father and accepting Salvation through Jesus.

Dishwasher just caught on fire......thankfully it was only for 15 seconds cos I was at the cooker at the time

Now waiting on an emergency plumber to disconnect it so we can get it out the stinks!!!

Power isolated and I've just burst into tears on Jo because at least it happened when we weren't asleep and I could act immediately - even if the smoke detectors are really good, and get tested regularly by me that, is a shock have never faced - and this is why I check those smoke detectors!!

Estate agent have been AMAZING...spoke to the director who immediately assured me he would be underwriting any damage etc

Thankfully, it's just just a dead dishwasher, a bad smell - which we're currently venting, and nothing more.....

Praise God I was standing right near to it

Actual flames coming out the front of the dishwasher!!!!!!!!!!

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