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Sorry, I should have given you feedback on this before now. I began the day feeling a lot better, even alive...Hallelujah! The drive went well, because I ignored Google maps unlike the last time. The trying on of the template for the suit went very well, it hardly needed adjusting. I will be back again in four weeks for the final product. Thank you for your support and prayers Berry family.

@Olamide I pray God's angels surround you and the Christians. We, my husband and I pray for your country that there may be peace so you can preach the Gospel.

@Kruselady have been speaking to my Brothers and Sisters in the please pray for my country, Nigeria.

I have been under the cosh from heavy fatique today, I hope and pray I am better tomorrow for my appointment in Stirling. 😔

I'm SO EXCITED to be speaking at two Sabbath meetings this week! If you are in the Denver CO area, come and join us for a special Back to Jerusalem Sabbath service at Roeh Israel, a Messianic Jewish congregation. Jews and Gentiles ALL WELCOME! I will be sharing details from the frontlines from China, North Korea, Iran, and how you can get involved.

****URGENT help needed****

Disastrous floods causing devastation in Zhenghzhou, China as we speak! Already lives have been lost and homes completely destroyed.

Firstly please join us in prayer, that the rain would cease and no more lives lost. Also, just as Jesus met the needs of people around Him, we need to put love & faith into action by sending urgent relief to these precious people.

Details below of how to donate 👇🏻. Updates to follow….

China and Afghanistan - the forgotten border and how it is impacting the future of missions for BTJ

"The Devil doesn't care if you have served the Lord in the past. What makes him frightened is if you are living for Jesus Christ today".

"Living Water" - Brother Yun

Endurance, Season 2, Episode 9, Being Flexible

Steven introduces our theme this week – Being Flexible

Go Deeper with Andy B, as he talks about how to be flexible.
He looks at the importance of being flexible physically, and how that relates to being flexible spiritually.

Steven & Nathan discuss what it means to ‘be flexible’:

Read and Remember:
Muscles need to be flexible, and this is a great metaphor for how we see our spiritual exercise too! Steven encourages us to read our Scripture for this week; James 4:13-16.

Reflect and Respond:
Nathan challenges us to be flexible because, just as it is vital that our physical muscles remain flexible, so it is that we remain spiritually flexible, because that will make us effective in our work for God.

The BerryBunch

Matthew 18:2‭-‬5
Jesus called a little one to his side and said to them,
“Learn this well: Unless you dramatically change your way of thinking and become teachable like a little child, you will never be able to enter in.
Whoever continually humbles himself to become like this little child is the greatest one in heaven’s kingdom realm.
And if you tenderly care for this little one on my behalf, you are tenderly caring for me.

Upon arriving in Antioch, they called the church together and reported everything God had done through them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles, too.

1. Please pray for the gathering of volunteers.
2. For a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the leaders.
3. Protection from the eyes of the authorities and anti Christian groups.

Thank God for people who work with their own hands and produce food.

Pray for the Christians in Canada who are having their churches terrorized and burnt to the ground. Fourty seven and counting now.

Heavenly Father,
We pray for the earth to be filled with:
the knowledge of Adonai Isa.11:9
the fear of God Pro. 8:13
the sons of God Rom. 8:19
Isa. 1:16 justice, help for oppressed, protection for orphans & widows causes answered
Isa. 58:6,7 the release of those unjustly bound, the breaking of yokes so that the oppressed walk free
food shared with the hungry, the homeless housed, & naked clothed
We pray against:
Pro. 6:16-19 haughty mindsets, lying tongues, hands spilling innocent blood, hearts plotting wickedness, feet going to evil & false lying witnesses
Isa. 59:14,15 righteousness standing apart, truth stumbling in courts, uprighteousness not entering courts, honesty lacking & those leaving evil behind dying prematurely
Let the message of creation, the gospel message and public examples of Christ's sacrifice be seen, heard and understood by every tribe and tongue without hindrance.
May this be accomplished in this country today and every day. In Jesus' name. Amen

Heavenly Father,
Today we remember those in prison and being mistreated for Christ's sake (Heb. 13:3).
Thanks for their living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1) as God imitators following Christ's example of preaching to the imprisoned (1 Pet. 3:19).
May they stand firm and immovable always doing the Lord's work vigorously (1 Cor. 15:58) understanding they have received an unshakeable kingdom (Heb. 12:28).
May they know that their service has caused others to be more bold, speaking God's Word fearlessly (Philippians 1:12,14) and has advanced the Good News.
May their dependencies grow in faith in Christ knowing Your presence deeply. This we ask today for Christ's sake and in His name. Amen

@Berrybunchfamily This is creative and funny. I enjoyed this episode and look forward to showing it to my children.
God bless you as you continue to use your gifts for His glory!

I just spoke to a friend in France. Macron has mandated the vaccine for all and a passport system. Consequences of disobedience include complete isolation, cannot go buy food or assemble.
Some people on both sides are protesting and getting violent.
Some Christians dont know what to do, and fear is prevalent.
Let's pray for France!
I'll be going there in August.

Peter's Prayer Vlog, S1, E7

Join Peter as he takes a brief moment every day to share his own journey of prayer.

His desire is to encourage you in your prayers and your praying, and no matter what:


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