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@mensajero Father in Heaven I ask you to reach out to the people of Myanmar to bless & provide for your children & help them to teach out to others with God’s love & provision.

Any hackers out there have the Covid App done?! I was advised today that my 16 year old who is in a Musical Theatre course at high school can participate in the year end production without being vaccinated BUT … any students 17 or older CANNOT participate in the production due to the venue rules. (But they can stay in the class and get their years worth of credits 🙄). AND parents who are not vaccinated will not be allowed to attend any of the productions. Also, the production is not allowed to be videoed to watch. 😡
I know this is our reality and there are greater issues in the world- but this is an unjust attack on families, students and youth.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Father in heaven I pray the wonderful message of salvation thru believing in & obeying Jesus , God’s Son who died for our sin..was buried 3 days and rose again, will be told to all in Bhutan!

Our children are brave too!!!
decided to send an Elder's child to an educational institution for higher studies. To save money we decided to send the student alone. A first time traveller had to protect oneself against authorities, pickpockets, human traffickers, drunkards and drug addicts.
Last week our child not just managed to travel by Bus, Taxi, Train and share ride, shared Gospel through their family testimony!
Thank you for caring for our children.
Thank you @sinbach

2 Corinthians 9:11 (NKJV) while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.

thank you for your prayers Tammy is doing better unfortunately my oxygen levels keep dropping. I am trying to not give into the fears . I know it does not come from God. hospital refuse to treat with invermectin.. have a doctor who will treat me if I can ever get out of hospital but can't unless oxygen levels stabilize. I really appreciated reading your prayers. I'm extremely grateful. I am extremely tired. the isolation is horrible. I know there are so many suffering out there. may Christ bless you all.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Knittinggrace @Olamide @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I'm praying for you always!!! I've asked the Lord to keep my brothers and sisters in closed country's or in difficult situations in the front of my mind and always in my heart. I was awake most of the night last night praying. The Lord seems to give me a couple hours sleep then I'm suddenly awaken with some unknown person or a closed country... or a feeling of urgency is flowing over me -And I pray.
I'm grateful for the place I was born and the peace I live in. I realize it can change quickly. But I promise - I'm with you in pray!

This has been on my bookshelf for a while, but I'm SO glad I chose to end out the year with this book.

"What is it like for a Christian woman living where it is illegal to live openly for Christ? How does a wife and mother respond when her husband is arrested, imprisoned or killed?
Undoubtedly the most significant book written about one of the most important aspects of the persecuted church: the victorious women. Without them the church has no future."

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