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@TakeN Nathan, you're an author in the making!! And!! You could do all the pictures for your book! You are overflowing talent!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter We have to always remember our faith comes from Jesus.
He will supply faith as He does wisdom and courage. Jesus knows we can't be bold and courageous on our own. He tells us, "Be bold and very courageous for I am with you!" Or " I have gone before you, do not be afraid"
We all get worn down and worn out, and we question our faith. I'm praying daily for you and your team.

Biblical things happening all over the world?
What the heck is happening in Poland and Germany?
The Oder river had been poisoned, SO MUCH that in a few weeks our government had declared an emergency and said that NO ONE should get close to the water (see the map of the regions with alerts).
20 tons of dead fish had been recovered from the river so far (just on the Polish side).

So what will happen when the real poison will hit the Earth...

Revelation 8:11
"The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter."

@Berrybunchfamily you all are a blessing to me!! And, to the whole DD family!!
Happy birthday, Peter!!

@Berrybunchfamily may the Lord's healing hands be upon her!! Glad you're home!!

โ€˜Satanic Versesโ€™ author Salman Rushdie attacked on stage

The novelist was about to speak in New York when he was reportedly stabbed

@Olamide @ @Cherishingsparrows2020 was asking about this the other day. I knew who put this out but didn't know when. If you want to have good laughs search through his posts...and yours!! You're both fun!!

@sinbach I'd be one of the praying girls! Momma didn't raise a dummy!

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