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@tanjaostman so pretty. We have fall colors. I so so so enjoy fall!

@Kruselady @sinbach wow! 10 kids! That's awesome, I live being apart of a big family.

@bethany @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Berrybunchfamily 🤣🤣 probably! I enjoy red skies morning and night, I look in awe and wonder! What a artistic Creator we worship.

@daniel I'm so sorry!! It's so hard to lose our beloved pets. I hope you will find another fur buddy soon.

@bethany that's so beautiful! Yes. Red skies in morning sailors take warning, red skies at night sailors delight.
My parents built at 38 foot sailboat - I think it took 7 years. They sailed for 13 years, a precious time together.
I do like the whole shepherd thing though.

@tymektt we are having fall colors too. We had a hard frost a couple days ago so the colors are really coming out. I love living in an area with four seasons, each one has amazing beauty and wonder of God's miracles.

@sinbach Amen.
But my parents had 8 kids - around 11 - 15 months apart!! I remember rides to church hearing my dad say, " You can sit still and be quiet for one hour!" We knew we better listen to him, he was firm but gentle head of our home.

@Berrybunchfamily @DevotionalTreasures that's the way I was until we were staying in a place with terrible tasting water which made the tea taste so so bad but I wanted something hot and so I figured coffee tastes terrible so the water won't affect it... Then over the month I got used to it. Then when I had coffee with good water - I was hooked.

@mensajero what a beautiful plant. But!! Those hot things can stay right there! I can't do hot- not at all!!!

A senior friend of ours, in his late eighties, lived in a foreign country half his life.

Led 100's of children to Christ, equipped the local leadership.
Married to his ministry never thought about retirement.

Remember him in your prayers.

@Berrybunchfamily @DevotionalTreasures I love tea and I enjoy coffee - I use to hate the taste of coffee. But I'm a morning coffee and an all day water person and tea in between. I love an evening tea. I do not like soda!!

@sinbach a small taste of normal! Do you think we'll ever get back to it? I'm glad you arrived safely, for some reason I didn't sleep last night the Lord had me praying for you was a privilege. I knew you travelled a lot but, oh my gosh! I couldn't handle every week! I have a hard time sitting still! A trip from Seattle to Hawaii drives me insane! As I said, enjoy your time and I hope you can relax and recharge.

@tanjaostman @sinbach I'm almost finished reading mine but plan to reread because I like facts too. I'm really enjoying it !!

A Gory Truth: New FDA Records Show Purchases of Fetal Organs, Heads and Tissue for ‘Humanized Mice’ Project

Thank you dear CMM Partners and Intercessors for praying and helping free 26 girls, age 13-15 from slavery. Here are some of the 26 girls sleeping their first few hours in freedom. Pray for healing from trauma and all the Lord desires for each of them.

@tymektt oh, no! I'm so sorry! Just doesn't feel the same (peaceful) on a paved road.

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