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@Mtranchgirl I'm sorry you both are sick! Thankfully we worship a God who loves us and can make you both well again. I'm praying with you.

URGENT PRAYER - please pray for me and my sister -we both have severe covid pneumonia and have very low oxygen levels - we need a miracle from God to be healed. I am in the hospital and they keep trying to give me remdesevir and want to put me on a ventilator. I'm so very scared - please pray for me. my sister is being treated at home - she found a Dr that will prescribe ivermectin - we are waiting for it to arrive. we both truly need a miracle.

@sinbach I bet they're 2 sizes too big to start the day and 2 sizes too small by the next morning.

@Berrybunchfamily 🤣🤣 Amen! She was shivering for quite awhile when she got back inside.

Dear friends, my daughter Eliza has cancer and I I believe she has taken the third jab. She got inflammation in the liver and the pancreas. Apparently, things are pretty serious with Eliza. She has some metastasis that is blocking the connection between the pancreas and the liver. They stuck a camera down her throat. I´m serious worried about the outcome. She is 36 year old, married and have two wonderful little girls 5 and 6 years old.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter may the beautiful sound of the Lord's servants have complete harmony in 2022.

@beocai oh, no!! I'm so sorry! It's painful to have our children hurting or sick. I pray with you for healing. May the Lord's hand be upon her.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Knittinggrace @Olamide @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I'm praying for you always!!! I've asked the Lord to keep my brothers and sisters in closed country's or in difficult situations in the front of my mind and always in my heart. I was awake most of the night last night praying. The Lord seems to give me a couple hours sleep then I'm suddenly awaken with some unknown person or a closed country... or a feeling of urgency is flowing over me -And I pray.
I'm grateful for the place I was born and the peace I live in. I realize it can change quickly. But I promise - I'm with you in pray!

My puppy needed out at 0300 ,it was a beautiful stary -15F !!
Sally did her business real quick! Now at 0700 it's cloudy and -7 ...Sally refuses to go out🤣 this little pup is ready for summer!

@tymektt @Will @bethany @Olamide @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Berrybunchfamily @sinbach I tend to skip and hop my way through life. Smiling happily as I smell the flowers. Christ (& His body) is our defender. I'm so thankful for the DD family! It has enriched my prayer life to the fullest! Together we are strong.

@Jorge I so often am speechless on DD. I live in such a protected area and lived in a family of harmony. I've come to realize that a heart without Christ has no limit to cruelty. Things are done to ppl that my heart & mind would ever think could possibly be done by a human to another human. It's so crazy and heart breaking. Words don't form to pray, I just feel sick agony inside as I groan to Jesus.

@Olamide this is me when I jump in our cold lakes in the summer!

@tymektt yay! A walk with Tim! Looks cold but it's beautiful!

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