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@andyharris my mom said turning 60 was the only birthday that bothered her....for about 2 or 3 days then realized she left the same at 59, she just turned 92 and is in unbelievable shape and health.
When I was 18, I thought 30 sounded almost dead 🤣🤣 I'll be turning 60 marching boldly with fists up and a big smile!

@andyharris Happy Birthday!! I too am enjoying the last days of 59, Mid August will be here soon....

@Kruselady I'm the youngest of 8 children. The oldest it 12 years older than me.

This picture was taken while visiting my 95 year old aunt while in Wisconsin. She is in a memory care home. She is hilarious! I wish I knew what she said to me in this picture!
I hope... if I'm ever in a care home, I'm as happy, funny and kind as she is.

@daniel those are great pictures!! And with a few practice runs runs I'm sure you still could!

Spending a week with these ladies gave me a treasure trove money can never buy! My sister's and I took my mom to Wisconsin to visit her 4 siblings, ages 95- 78. We had a lot cold rainy weather but this day I prayers for sun, a few hours to walk around our old place I haven't seen in 53 years. There are more bushes and trees on the hills we explored but the old dented culvert we played on at the creek was still there!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter may the 200 copies reap daily harvest of young tender souls. Our future servants of our Savior who have memories of their teachers and lessons of the gospel and of our God who will never leave us or forsake us.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 Happy Anniversary!! You have a beautiful family! I pray your marriage will remain strong in the Lord which will give you many, many more years together; your children will be secure, confident and strong in faith.
May the enemy fail at every attempt to cause arguments, mistrust, and pain in any form.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @bethany .....kinda jealous of that kitten! I'm ready to go to bed way too early!

@tanjaostman ours look the same here. I love the fresh color of new leaves.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter so glad to got to talk to him! What a blessing that you guest that could translate!

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