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On my morning walk this pretty little doe was super curious of my little pup, Sally. We watch her for quite sometime and got quite close to her.

Being a church planter in uganda and rwanda. This is a church that was to be opened soon/launch but the shutdown in uganda has made it not possible soon I had scheduled this day. But now not sure when.
Lift the church and the body of. Christ in prayers

It is the day after Father's Day and I am troubled. I can't stop my heart from aching for all the Families who's Daddy is in jail becuase of his Faith in God! Becuase he is a Christian he can not be with his children. And on Father's Day, they sit alone....without their Daddy......


Update on my grandfather:
The doctors are pulling his breathing tubes this week. Ether he stats breathing on his own or he doesn’t breath. We’re still praying for a miracle.

@DevotionalTreasures @OneofTen @Sunflower3 @LittleLightofMine @jezzadiah4messiah @xtian @Williams_girl @deenadingding @HimalayanShepherd @His_story @VeritasDomain @lynnexxa @bethany @ChiaChatter @daniel

to anyone who is willing:
I'm so worldly again and most of the time I don't even see it. Please keep me in prayer that I might turn away from worlds vain attractions daily.

I want to be nearer to Christ. Nearer, still nearer...

I was talking with a dear sister from Sudan the other day and she showed me the scars on her throat and arm. When I asked what they were she told me.
"The scar on my throat was from a hot metal poker that the doctor used to burn my throat to make my cough go away when I got the flu. It took three months for the burn to heal. The scars on my arm are from the burns of a hot iron to keep me from getting malaria. All of us were forced to do this in Sudan. It didn't work, but it didn't matter. It made the people feel like they were doing something to fight the disease and it was expected that everyone pretend it was working."
"Wow that's crazy," I said. "Everybody doing something that they know doesn't work, but makes them feel better about doing it anyway."
"Like wearing a mask?" she replied.
WOW! Puts it all into perspective. She deflated my western pride. In some ways we haven't advanced so much.
My Sudanese friend is a medical doctor and now lives in America.

Sooooo, I got a puppy...
I've waited 16 years after my last dog passed away. I named her Sally Jane after my best friend who died when I was 8 years old. She is a chihuahua rat terrier mix. Tiny little girl! I love her so much already!

Hello everyone. I am new to dingdash. I am asking for prayer for my son and his wife, they are both dealing with addiction with drugs. Please help me pray that Jesus gives them the strength and power to overcome. Thank you all and God bless.

There are three sins against God's creation.
They are:
1. Turning are perfectly good cucumber into a pickle.🤢😢
2. Mashing a beautiful tomato into catsup.🤢😢
3. Putting sweet yummy pineapple on pizza. 🤢😢
Go and sin no more! 😊

@Cherishingsparrows2020 please pray for Mexico: in june 6 Gods will. We will have elections. We have a very bloodie time. More than 80 candidates was killed and others are under warning. Could be the begining of the comunist sistem and we are losing fredoom very fast.

I drove fuel truck today.
Flew a few loads of shingles and other stuff to Granite Park Chalet in Glacier National Park - a piece of heaven on earth.

Please pray for a Gospel worker's wife, who is undergoing treatment for CML. TIA

Oh, Montana, I love you! But seriously!! Three days ago it was 76 F (24 C) today the high was
37 F (2.7 C) and snowed & rained ; the mountain in the back ground is Columbia Mountain it's only 7,234 ft (2205 M). Happy Spring!!!

Saturday will be a day of death that haunts the soul of thousands of young women who have scheduled abortions today. Saturday is Planned Parenthood’s kill-day.

Pray for mothers and fathers and babies. Pray for Doctors,
Grandparents, and Boyfriends. Pray for every person connected to an abortion. Pray for change, repentance, and healing. Speak LIFE. Lord, Jesus, have mercy.

Please pray for our brethren in India as you pray for these families of pastors who went on to glory as a result of COVID. As the Lord leads sow into their families at

“You know how it is with pagan rulers,” He said, “They Lord it over their subjects. They get all high and mighty and let everyone know it. But that is not how it’s to be with you. If anyone wants to be great, he must be your servant.”

Matthew 20:25-26

The United States Government was built around this idea. If the government is by the people and for the people, they will serve the people and the nation will be great. But as it is, our supposedly “elected” leaders have slipped into paganism. In fact, much of America has slipped into paganism as they “Lord over us,” instead of serving us. A Christian revival is the only way back to freedom and good government.
That revival begins with us giving up paganism and becoming servants in our families and communities.

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